Night Owl or Early Bird?

by damselfly 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • damselfly

    Lots of night owls on here.
    So it's almost 1;30 am here and Yup, not sleepy. *Grr*


  • OpenFireGlass

    talk to me dams...

  • FlyingHighNow
    Night owl, but I think it's just because I hate going to bed. Just like a damn kid, I want to stay up until I just can't function anymore. Unlike a damn kid, I have to get up at 630am. So I force myself into bed. Not early enough, generally, but almost always before I'm ready.


    Me, too. I always fought going to sleep. When I was kid, I never slept at nap time. I went for a while as an adult being able to nap. Now, in my late forties, I realize that life is finite and I don't want to waste it napping. I wish I could sleep better hours. When I lived on Oahu, it was five and six hours difference from the east coast. The sun rises early and sets early all year long. I found it much easier to be a morning person there. That and the sub tropical sun was so cheerful and invigorating. So maybe all of us night owls need to move to Oahu, yes?

  • In Between
    In Between

    Night owl ... I'm best on about 6 hours of sleep ... so bedtime is around 12 a.m. and I'm up around 6:30 a.m. ...

  • Taythan

    Night Owl .....would a morning person be posting at 2:23 a.m.?

  • freedomlover

    Night owl for sure...

    however having two kids, a husband, working I tend to be pretty beat these days when 10 or 11 rolls around. I do prefer nights though. mornings are my husbands best time and he knows to leave me alone till he's made the coffee and I'm drinking my first cup.

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