Broken Engagement

by looking_glass 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    Well, it is offical. I called off the engagement and broke up w/ long time BF. Although it was my decision, it was still a hard thing to do. Needless to say there were a lot of tears. He wanted a reason, but other then saying I was no longer vested in the relationship and just did not feel good about it anymore there were no more words to express how I was feeling because I was not quite sure myself. I feel horrible, not for the decision I made but that someone got hurt over my decision.

    So I am heading out the door to spend the evening w/ my GFs. So let me just say to all the GFs out there, you are our life line, even those of us who are very strong and independent. So thank you for being you and always being there.

    Girl Power. L_G

  • damselfly

    <<I feel horrible, not for the decision I made but that someone got hurt over my decision.>>

    I'm struggling with this myself.

    Have lots of fun with your Gfs. Good for you for being true to what you needed.


  • juni

    Yes. Girlfriends are our lifesavers. Have fun!


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    YES Girlpower!!!

    I've always thought I was a Lesbian trapped in a mans body. he he he

    Good Luck looking glass, Good friends are the better than Chocolate

  • serendipity

    ((( LG )))

    It will be good for you to figure out what happened, so that you can avoid a repeat.

  • Elsewhere
    I feel horrible, not for the decision I made but that someone got hurt over my decision

    Sometimes you must make a decision like this otherwise you will find yourself trapped in a situation that progressively becomes more and more unbearable.

  • caligirl

    I'm so sorry... have fun with your girlfriends, and remember that a broken engagement beats a messy divorce and potentially bringing kids into an unhappy situation any day, no matter how painful it seems right now. You did the right thing for both of you.

  • greendawn

    Unfortunately these things happen all the time in society but soon each one finds his/her way.

  • looking_glass

    Thanks guys. Just got back from the festival. Lots of liquor, lots of laugh and lots of Girl Power. Everything you said was exactly what I was thinking but it was still hard, let me tell you. The messes stuff is straightening out the finances, not much, but there are some joint bills that need to be sorted out.

    Good luck to everyone else who is going thru this. I kept trying to figure out if there was a way to move away, change my name and disappear off the face of the earth without ever saying anything to him, but I thought differently, so I faced up to it and told him what was going on. Granted he had been away for the week -end, so I could pack up his stuff and tell all the while taking the keys off his key chain and handing him his stuff.

    My biggest question is this .... QUESTION FOR THE BOYZ OUT THERE .... if you have a fiancee and over the last three months she has been saying she is not happy, wouldn't you inquire into why or ask her what was going on instead of just grunting "hmmm" and ignoring it??? That is what I am wondering.

  • Virgochik

    I think sometimes, men are just laying low, hoping it will go away. Or they're afraid to ask, afraid it might be really bad, something serious. Some might just be arrogant enought to think we'll forget about it if they ignore us. Wrong answer, lol!

    Funny, as I'm reading this, I see my neighbor's girlfriend moving out.

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