80% of Near Death Experiencers Can't Wear Watches...

by FMZ 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • OpenFireGlass
    No hi for me, eh? I see how you are :P

    DOH111, What an arse I am..

    Waves hi to FMZ

  • Kudra

    ***my folks are evenly yoked. Though, my dangle does angle***
    So- ya think you're a poet now...?

  • FMZ


    Aye, could well have been nervous mistakes. The human tendency to make errors when under stress should never be underestimated ;)

    For a second, let's take away those terms "spiritual" and "paranormal", they are only labels that somewhat limit discussion, due to preconceptions and misconceptions about things we simply don't understand (and I'll be the first to admit, I don't fully understand any of it).

    Let's take this down to the basic facts. 80% of NDEers in a (admittedly possibly biased) survey said they can't wear watches. 100% of the NDEers that I know (plus myself) cannot wear watches. I know of only one other person that has not had an NDE that has the same recurring problem with watches. What is it about the act of dying and being resuscitated, or being near death, that causes this issue?

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the discussion so far guys, thanks for everyone's point of view on this :)


  • Kudra

    Hi OFG
    So, following in the great tradition of phrenology and the like, what does YOUR nutsack say about near-death-experiences???

  • OpenFireGlass
    So, following in the great tradition of phrenology and the like, what does YOUR nutsack say about near-death-experiences???

    It says, DON'T let gumby near it....

  • Kudra

    Were they recussitated via defibrillator?
    Perhaps that or other similar emergency room machinery contributed to the watch problems.
    What was the method of recussitation? This could play a big part. To die or almost die and then have your body start again is an enormous shock and stress to the system. There could be all sorts of electrical malfunctions that occur during that time of death/revival.
    A friend of mine had a particularly horrific heart attack (in her 20s) and does not remember anything leading up to or after the incident. The stress managing parts of the brain blocked it out as it was such an overload on her system.
    (not sure if that last anecdote actually contributed to any arguement either way...)

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I heard about the NDE connexion when trying to find out why my daughter couldn't wear a watch (NO - she HASN'T had an NDE). Both cheap and expensive watched would last a maximum of 10 days (not digital, the ones with hands, but I think they all contain batteries these days? lol). The LAST watch I bought her (an expensive one she really wanted) lasted about 8 days, and then I returned it to the manufacturer who sent it back working again. She wore it for a further 3 days.

    As I recall, in all these watches the metal touched her wrist. I believe she now has one with a leather strap which is between the watch and her skin which works. Personally I think that it's something to do with electrical impulses which must vary between people, and the metal acts as a conductor.

  • MsMcDucket
    Has anyone here had a near-death experience, and if so, do you have problems with watches when you wear them?

    Yes, I had one when I had my thyroidectomy (long story), but anyway, I ended back in the O.R. because my airway was being compressed, the doctor intubated me very quickly, ended up putting the tube right down into my mainstem bronchus, collapsing my right lung completely. I became hypoxic, they didn't know what was going on, I was going down the tubes fast. My children said that when they were taking me to MICU the nurses were bagging me. When I awoke, I was on the vent. The only thing I remember is calling out to Jehovah and asking him for help. I was in a dark place and I was fighting for my life. Also, when I awoke, I was in leather restraints, four point!

    I don't have problems with watches, unless their cheap. My husband bought me a Swiss Army watch years ago. It works like a charm.

  • FMZ


    Interesting... thanks for that. I'll see if I can contact the other NDEers and see if we can find a decent watch with an insulated back. Could possibly go a long way to helping us tell what time it is without taking out our cellphones ;) As for the "cheap watch" thing... unfortunately (in my experience) this has little bearing. First, at least one of the watches I had was a name brand that I recall. Also, when I gave two of the watches away, they worked fine. Either way though, this still doesn't negate the fact that it could all be due to electrical impulses.


    Yup... certainly the shock from a defibrillator (or, say, an electrical outlet with 240v coursing through it) would be a great stress on the body, possibly shorting a few resistors. Good point mate.


  • Kudra

    Holy crap Mrs McD- you're a fighter! :) Sounds like you get it from your mom- hope she is doing better.

    Well, I'm off to bed. It's 1:30 in the morning here. Us decent folks have to get up early!

    Later, all you aposta-lovelies.

    FMZ- I knew you had a short circuit somewhere!!
    Just kidding ;)
    Good talking with you.

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