What charitable works have you done?

by anewme 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    The Watchtower Society is notorious for discouraging the brethren from performing acts of kindness and charity towards people of the world, claiming in their literature it is a waste of time or worse the funds may be absconded. (See Awake of this year "What Is Happening to Charity?")

    Today was 109 degrees in our town. My husband and I brought cold juice, soda, chips, and two new clean cotton shirts to the poor homeless man who is camped by the Albertsons under an old tree. He is in plain sight of the whole town who tolerates his homelessness. Today the heat was absolutely life threatening especially to a man who dresses all bundled up in 4 layers of clothing topped by a hooded winter coat.
    We asked him if he knew how hot it was? We told him it was 109 degrees and life threatening and that he should take off his coat and put on the new blue shirt we bought for him that matched his eyes.
    He was so gracious and accepted our gifts with thanks. We introduced ourselves and found his name was "Rick". We drove away and looked back to find him drinking the icecold juice. I was very proud of us.

    My question is (I think newbies would also be interested to read) what have you done charitably since leaving the Watchtower Society?



  • free2beme

    Road side clean-up. I helped out a local food shelter two times each year. I also donate to a child abuse support group.

  • anewme

    Oh Free, that is wonderful! That is our goal also to get more involved in helping, to be a part of the solution instead of whining about how bad the world is. Im through with that.

  • Uzzah

    Just today?

    Helped replace flat tire of an elderly neighbour.

    I received back into Canada 295 evacuees from Lebanon. Provided accomodations for 12 of them via the Red Cross.

    Apartment across the courtyard. Fire alarm was sounding. That building is not monitored. Called 911. Entered the building, put out the stove top fire with extinguisher I grabbed on the way in and then took care of the owner's burns while awaiting fire Dept/Ambulance. Am now dog sitting while owner is getting treated.

    Just had a cold beer. Now venting.

    Thanks for asking.


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Okay, I'm one of those cold hearted pricks you'd generally find at the KH. But my sister who's been pioneering for quite some time (and I fear will never leave the jws no matter what I've tried to show her) is actually very charitable. She makes a decent (for her low income bracket anyway) monthly contribution to Sick Kid's. Lately she's been buying alot of food for this one immigrant jw and her three little children. So not all dubs are callous.


    I gave money to a lady (and her daughter) ahead of me in the grocery line when they didn't have enough money to pay for their few meager provisions.


  • love11

    I donated my mothers genuine saphire and diamond ring, which she gave to me, to a mission for the homeless. My husband donated his electric guitar and amp. We found out later that they donated it to a mission in Africa. We donate to the local human society. I have donated my car, a red saab, to the kidney foundation. I made and delivered flower bouquets for the American Cancer Society. I know there is more I'm forgetting but I can't remember now. I really want to do more though. Hopefully, one day we'll be in a better financial position to help more.

    I know what you mean about the witnesses never volunteering to help people. I guess they figure since those people will be in the genocide at armaggedon, why bother?!!!!! Remember them by their fruits. Sad.

  • anewme

    Uzzah, wow! Just today????? Is your real name Clark Kent????

    I like that...taking an interest in your neighbors welfare even going into a fire to save them!

    That is what it is about.

  • anewme

    Midget, you have a special sister.

  • anewme

    Estee, how sweet! (you are my kind of person!)

    Love, wow! Wow what generosity. You are way ahead in the charity!

    I need to begin to look in my town where there is a need and begin to see where I can help.


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