Richie, your mamma loves you, she's just scared. Fear drives her to do the things she is doing.
by RichieRich 52 Replies latest jw friends
I think she hates your guts...
NAHHH!! Just kidding!! Mum's love their sons' no matter what, don't ever doubt that!!! It's the strongest bond on the planet....
Hi Richie.
Keep showing your Mum you love her no matter what,and even if she doesnt respond the way you want,you will eventually have peace of mind knowing its not your or the fact that you dont want to be a JW anymore,but its a man made religion that makes parents act in an unnatural way towards their children.
You will find peace of mind,just give it some time.
Cheers Mercedes x
Hi Richie; I don't think you should wait untill Mother's Day to send your poem. JW's don't "do" Mother's Day and she might just not even open it or read it. Just send it out of the blue one day and maybe some flowers. She will treasure that note I am sure. I would! You are a wonderful son and even though you and Mom are not on the same path right now she still loves you... Love Arwen
Hey Richie
Things will get better I promise. Of course mom loves you. You're her son. Try not to despair and remember she's under a powerful spell. Time will heal all of it. Hang in there Big Guy.
Personally I'd much rather eat a bowl of gravy than to have my gravy atop of a heaping pile of rotten potatoes.
Your mom has issues & I suspect she'd have similar personality problems with or without the borg. Toxic people are skilled at getting others to feel bad when they don't comply with their controlling demands.
If your mom didn't have these personality issues & loved you like a normal person, she would be happy you are finding your own happiness in life.
She feels bad because she lets herself feel bad--over something that should be making her feel good.
Willingness to take responsibility for your own actions is a good quality to possess, but don't let yourself take responsibility for others' actions--it will cause you endless agony.
*been there, done that class*
I can't believe I missed this poem until now. How I wish I wish your mom could see you the way I do, a young man full of promise, who will do well. I am so proud of you I could bust. I am sorry your mom is going to miss out on these early years of your growth, where you develop as a man and stretch your wings. The society says your independence is a disaster, so that is all she chooses to see. In truth, your mom has nothing to fear from the future.
As rebel 8 said so well, your mom is toxic. I am sure she loves you in her own way, but I am not so sure that her expression of that love is good for you. You might have to put some distance for a while to protect yourself. My favorite advice from above:
garybuss: My dad would say, you hurt your mother with your honesty. I'd reply, no, my mother was hurt by my honesty. There's a difference. My purpose in her life was to protect her dishonesty. That's not love, that's manipulation.
anewme: Richie darling, you are a man now. You decide for yourself how to live your life. Your mother needs to understand this and know her place.
Will Power
remember that thread where everyone wrote all the things they liked about RichieRich?
Maybe now is the time to anonymously send it?
or was it already?
Chin up Richie, better days ahead. Your poem is beautiful. -
I cried too! such wonderful advice from everyone, that`s why I love this place.
Hang in there Richie, you`re a great son. I like the suggestion of sending her a card & flowers out of the blue, this is a beautiful gesture for any mother JW or not.
Anewme, you just reminded me of one of my ploys with my manipulative mom. She believed nobody would do anything nice for her unless she made them. I hated it when I was coerced to visit or do some errand on her request. I got quite adept at "surprising" her with small acts of kindness that she had not asked for.
Then it felt like the gift was mine to give, and the love rang true. And she couldn't take credit for it.