What would Jesus Do

by joelbear 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I certainly see a lot of people who claim the title "Christian" to be shouting out for blood, blood and more blood.

    Just let me to think of the question:

    What would Jesus do?

    curiously onlooking hugs


  • Silverleaf

    Joel, I think he would be first in line to dig through the rubble and search for survivors.


  • julien

    Don't you think Jesus, who spoke in pretty explicit terms about hellfire, is planning to chuck all the muslims into eternal hell since they have not accepted him?

  • RationalWitness


    And then, I believe, he would warn that unless people reject the "myth of redemptive violence", it will only escalate.

    Deepest sympathies to the families and friends of all those affected by this tragic and misguided act of violence.


  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    if it had lived through the destruction of jerusalem and slaughter of jews he'd have been like 'nuke the romans!'

    nuke 'em!

    oh $#%^#^@!!


  • joelbear

    If the hellfire Jesus spoke of was symbolic of the anguish that humanity suffers out of the lack of love, then anyone not displaying love would suffer from this anguish.

  • julien

    Do we really have any reason other than wishful thinking to think he was speaking figuratively?

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    How sad it is that you would use this disaster to further slander our Lord.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Joel,
    Jesus would forgive them, just as he did on the cross if you remember.
    We,as humans, all cry out for vengeance in anger. That is the flesh which we still inhabit and the human heart is wicked.
    Then the Christian teaching sink in and take hold again, 'Love thine enemies'. Even when they take our lives, we ask for their forgiveness for 'they do not know what they do'.
    I pray for the victims AND the poor misguided souls who would do this, their families have also faced grief. I pray for those who will die in the coming retribution.
    BTW, hell is very real and literal. It is made for people who do these types of things. You will see that in the White Throne Judgement of Revelation that the lost suffer in differing degrees according to their evil works.
    Sorry, there is no basis for the idea of 'anhilation' regarding souls.
    May God grant mercy on all the souls who are already in the afterlife.

  • julien
    BTW, hell is very real and literal. It is made for people who do these types of things.

    Isn't hell for people who don't accept Jesus? I seriously doubt if these terrorists have done so or will ever do so. I think we can safely say that from a Xian standpoint they are going to hell when they die.

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