What would Jesus Do

by joelbear 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    Hell is for people who believe in it. It is a fiendish thought - eternal torment. People who think fiendish things will likely be attracted to those thoughts in the afterlife.

    One of jesus' first 'preachers' was a samaratan woman. To the jews, the samaratans were like we 'apostates' are to the jws. The samaratans were not pure blood; they were part gentile. It was they who opposed the building of the temple. They were unclean dogs- the same way the nice jws see us. So, no matter how scummy or ravenous the arab perpetrators may be, jesus would not follow the popular opinion of the moment.

    Those who call themselves christian are really in a movement that is ABOUT christ, but they are not LIKE christ.


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