witnessess are NOT members of the WT Society - Caymen News

by Will Power 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TD

    Good 'ole Hal Flemmings.....

    I wonder if Greg and Hal have buried the hatchet

  • wednesday

    I used to beat my head against a brick wall ( in a fugurtive sense of course:) trying to understand why the jws don't die out. But they are sincerely deluded, and a sincere fanatic is the worst kind.They will die for their beliefs, case in point the homocide bombers. I have read "True believers" and did help explain a lot. So now I sort of laugh when I see the legal trickery they use. (well I can only laugh so far, b/c when it involves children and them dying for those stupid beliefs, I can't laugh) Like so many others I try and figure out what legal trickery they will use next to avoid being sued. like so many have said, follow the money. People can murder, and commit all sorts of horrible crimes, but cheat the government out of a penny, and you will do hard time. Recently the winner of the original "survivor" got 51 months for not paying taxes on the 1 millon he won. I hae seen many child moslesters get less time.

    The wts is organized and has lawyers working hard to keep them out of legal trouble. If xjws were organized and had that much legal power behind them they could make life a lot harder for the wts. but since we know that won't happen, it seems the wts has that to their advantage-they are organized.

    The discussion about jws not being representives of the wts can backfire. The cong is just people with a boe. Too much pressure, a lawsuit or two and it will not survive. While the wts is busy protecting itself, it might want to remember that if they lose the cong, they lose the heart of the wts.

  • garybuss

    I think Grant was an officer of the corp. at this time. He really did represent the Corporation.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    WOW that's some letter about Michael / Jesus / Michael
    must be bang on or the reply would've attacked the misinfo
    instead Hal chooses to make a brand new argument.....
    Is that what you call the straw man ?

    I might post that separate - to see if - THAT IS REALLY THE TRUTH!
    gee - no way they go into this "group" knowing THAT!
    just the mediator thing
    bait & switch
    hmmm thats another identifier....

    Great comments everyone.

    w / p

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    4 In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand the Bible to teach." In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect.

    Just try deviating from the dictates of the JW "religious sect" and see how long it takes you to get DF'd for apostacy.


  • RR

    Flemings is a WT apologetic, he's written books promoting and defending the Watchtower.

  • jgnat

    Wow, Hal Flemings is a bona-fide JW apologist with a site and everything! He must have found the recent WT studies to be lacking in depth, and decided to compensate.


    So if I do ever get called in the "back room" I should be able to whip out this volume and say what I understand the Bible to teach...which differs greatly from the Watchtower Society, but as we aren't going by their teachings, everything should be just fine! I certainly wouldn't want to give the impression that I was bound by the dictates of some religious sect/cult. I wonder how that would go over??????

    In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand the Bible to teach." In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect.

    It seems like the more they try to take themselves out of a situation the worse it looks. Either they stand by their teachings or they aren't worth standing by.


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