I would like to know if there are trinitarians here and please could you share with me your thoughts on proverbs 8:22 - 36 Where it appears to be teaching of Jesus being bought forth by Yahweh, as the beginning of his way (however not the Begging for GOD has none ). alternately non trinitarians put your views forward. we seem to have cases for / against trinitarianism. and the discussions fascinate me. Ade
Proverbs 8:22
by Ade 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Several version
1. It is not talikng about Jesus Christ, but it is personificiet Wisdom and it is OK in Proverbs, as it is book of wisdom, so full of alegories and stuff.
2. Trinitarians teach that ethernal Son is generated from ethernal God. Begotten. So not created but ethernally generated.
3. Argument from opposition. If Wisdom was created, so before that God was without wisdom. Jesus Christ is truth, life. So before his "creation" there were no truth nor life? That is absurd.
4. Memra teaching. It is jewish "logos" theory.
Pick which you like. The most weak argument is argument about creation. About each other creation it is pretty clear statements that they are created, but all what JW has about Christ's creation which are btter explained in their immidiate context otherwise and without reading in what JW want to be there. -
I'm sure if there's a word search on the site you can find a couple hundred trinity debates . Personally I think that Isaiah 9:6 is talking about jesus and it's not blaspheme to say at this time that jesus is the Mighty God mentioned there, then there's Mathew 28:18 that shows jesus was given all authority in heaven and earth and did not have all athority previously so shows that he was promoted in some way .
Hi Heathen, As of recent times i have had the same mode of thinking as yourself, especially after dwelling on John 2:20 where Jesus speaks of raising the temple which is his body he states as you probably know "I will raise this temple " which is his body. also why would he not rebuke Thomas for saying "my Lord and my God" when The angel was quick to correct John in Revelation. God bless you and yours Ade
Like Shazard says: The book is about wisdom, not the messiah. But of course, christians will interpret it that way, especially the JWs, who just loves the part about the speaker here as being created.. But that makes it even more confusin, when the NT makes it clear that the Son was not created, but was with God in the beginning. The best solution is to be cautious, and accept what the NT says about the Son as not being created, and see Proverbs for what it is, a text about wisdom, and not originally Messianic at all.
"Before me there was no god formed nor shall there be after me" Isaiah 43:10
If Proverbs 8:22 are refering to Jesus being created that would be quite a huge contradiction...
If Proverbs 8:22 is about Jesus we have a little gender problem, because Wisdom (chokhmah, sophia) happens to be a girl.
In the NT the OT personification of Wisdom is only applied to Christ indirectly, especially as subsumed into the distinct concept of the logos (the "Word," masculine in Greek) as it was already in the works of Philo of Alexandria.
Is 9:6 does not identify Jesus as God. The passage is clearly reflects the anticipated return of the mythic Jewish divinely approved kingship. The "name" given the kingly son is Pelejoezelgibborabiadsarshalom (wonderful councelor mighty god eternal father prince of peace). Given that the writer refers to God as "mighty god" in 10:21 it seems clear that at 9:6 he was saying that when the kingly heir with this prophetic name was born God would once again be honored as a "mighty god, ruler of peace, and eternal father" to the nation.
In similar fashion the names of Isaiah's sons (Maher-shalal-hash-baz,Shearjashub) have names that refer to prophetic activity of God not the name bearer himself.
"Before me there was no god formed nor shall there be after me" Isaiah 43:10 If Proverbs 8:22 are refering to Jesus being created that would be quite a huge contradiction. allow me to expand this a little my friend. the content can also stand as "OR,nothing formed of God" scripture tells us their are many gods however just one true GOD. all the best -Ade hi peacefulpete - very well put my friend and thank you . all the best -Ade
So, Ade, how else could this verse read?(isaiah 43:3) Im not sure if the phrase you just mentioned is for the first part or the second part.