Bush invokes the "Peace and Security" line...

by Bryan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    Today in his radio adress, Bush said he hoped for Isreal & Lebenon States living next to each other in "peace and security".

    The Witnesses must be peeing in their pants!

    I remember when Reagan said those special words in the 80's. We all new the end was close!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • serendipity

    I remember that, Bryan. Wasn't 1986 the year of Peace? I was so scared I forced myself to go out in field service. Here we are 20 years later.

  • Bryan

    The fear... oh the fear!

    I'm glad to be out of the Tower!


  • parakeet

    JWs must be the only people on earth for whom the words "peace and security" mean "destruction and death."
    They should have their own revised dictionary to complement their revised bible.

  • stevenyc

    Kingdom Minstry March 1986:


    Peace and Security


    Last summer at our "Integrity Keepers" Convention, it was announced that the book True Peace and Security—How Can You Find It? would be used in the field campaign for April and May. In this way a mighty shout of praise would go up earth wide to Jehovah, "the God who gives peace," and to his Son, the "Prince of Peace."—Rom. 15:33; Isa. 9:6.


    How appropriate that we will have this publication to offer during the United Nations-proclaimed "International Year of Peace"! The subject of peace and security is on the minds of many people. Some expect the United Nations to bring it about. But Jehovah’s servants know that God’s Kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus is the instrument Jehovah will use to bring in true peace and security.


    Do not overlook the word of caution included in the convention announcement. We are not suggesting that the UN proclamation for 1986 is in fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which states: "Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them." We do not know how long Jehovah will permit the nations to campaign for peace and security; however, this may be a significant step leading to further developments as we draw closer to the "great tribulation."—Matt. 24:21.




    Before the April campaign, we should read portions of the True Peace book to acquaint ourselves with its overall content. If we read the material in the first two chapters, we will no doubt find several excellent points to use as we offer the book in April and May.


    After discussing the Topic for Conversation with a householder, we might say: "This happy future is very near when there will be true peace and security. I have with me a timely publication on that subject. Notice this comment in the first paragraph of the book." We can read paragraph 1 and then continue by saying: "The illustration here at the start of chapter 1 gives an artist’s conception of what the earthly Paradise will be like. Wouldn’t you like to live with your loved ones in such a peaceful and secure environment? [Allow for response.] This publication will help you to see how you can find such peace and security, and it is yours for a contribution of just $1.00."


    As another presentation, after reading Revelation 21:3, 4, we could turn to page 19 and say: "There is an interesting paragraph that drives home how much we need that happy future promised by God." After reading paragraph 24, we could continue by saying: "Note also the thought on the next page in paragraph 28. [Read the paragraph.] This book has been published to help you to learn about God’s solution to world problems and to understand better what the future holds. It is yours for a contribution of $1.00."


    Be sure to call back on people who have previously shown interest and offer this book to them. We might find it appropriate to remind the householder of previous conversations about God’s promised New Order and then say that we have a book that outlines what we have to do to find true peace and security. We could turn to page 91, read paragraph 12, and then say: "What else is required to assure survival? This book goes into detail as to God’s requirements from this point on. It is offered for a contribution of $1.00."


    This would also be a fine publication to place with individuals who have studied in the past but who have not yet taken a stand for Jehovah. We could read paragraph 1 on page 175 and then point out that the book will help them to understand what they must do now to make the right choice, so as to find true peace and security.


    Let us make plans now to offer True Peace and Security—How Can You Find It? during the special campaign in April and May. We will be helping others to find true peace and security from "the God who gives peace."—Rom. 16:20.


  • stevenyc

    Watchtower 1953 7/1

    The truth is that when man says a work is too big for God, he is impressed by his own importance. Today we have political luminaries from sixty different nations assembling at the U.N. in New York endeavoring to make the earth abound with peace and security. Said President Truman a few days before the inauguration of General Eisenhower: "If we can get peace and safety in the world under the United Nations, the developments will come so fast we will not recognize the world in which we now live." And in his inaugural address, President Eisenhower called the U.N. the "living sign of all people’s hope for peace". Soon now Jehovah will thwart the combined efforts of the nations: "The LORD [Jehovah] annuls the counsel of the nations; he frustrates the plans of the peoples." "Whenever it is that they are saying, ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them." (Ps. 33:10, AT; 1 Thess. 5:3, NW) Armageddon’s sudden destruction will leave the U.N. in smoldering ruins, and the earth littered with the bodies of the "slain of Jehovah".—Jer. 25:33, 34, AS


  • fullofdoubtnow
    Wasn't 1986 the year of Peace?

    I seem to remember it was. I was really apprehensive at the time, and more than a little excited.

    Now, 20 years later, I am totally indifferrent to it.

  • AnonyMouse

    My mom was talking on the phone about that today, going on about how it's another step towards armageddon.

    And that we will have to survive off the charity of each other. And then she commented on how noone in the congregation has any money, so apparently we are screwed.

    Of course, knowing human nature as well as I do, there will NEVER be peace. People like to secure themselves with power. Power is survival. Having allys helps you do that, and you all benifit. But those not with you, are of course, always against you.

    It's the source of racism. People of one color don't accept them into thier imaginary "tribe". But then they all fail to realize that we are the same species.

    I can't wait till we go to war with aliens, then we will be one big happy family ;) .

  • CordyC

    Amen! Human nature would never allow for true peace and security. There will probably always be racism. There will always be homophobia, etc. I would imagine true peace and security would have to have everyone loving one another like in some Coca-Cola commercial.

    Never gonna happen, at least not in our lifetime.....


  • Bstndance

    CordyC - "I would imagine true peace and security would have to have everyone loving one another like in some Coca-Cola commercial."
    If I could teach the world to sing. hehehe

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