Bush invokes the "Peace and Security" line...

by Bryan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • yaddayadda

    A few JWs must be starting to wonder whether all the claims that modern-day Israel is having a part to play in the fulfillment of bible prophecy might be true after all.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    President Eisenhower called the U.N. the "living sign of all people’s hope for peace".

    I thought it was interesting that the 1953 watchtower article quoted Eisenhower. Ike was raised in a "russellite" household and his mother was a devout witness until she died. Here's a link about Ike and his jw connection:


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Human nature would never allow for true peace and security. There will probably always be racism. There will always be homophobia, etc. I would imagine true peace and security would have to have everyone loving one another like in some Coca-Cola commercial.

    Never gonna happen, at least not in our lifetime.....

    Wow, I said these exact words to my husband today. He came home from the meeting and I had two history books open that disagreed with the society's dates for the destruction of Jerusalem and the reign of nebuchadnezzar. Then we had this long discussion about believing in things because we wished them to be true and not because of any verifiable evidence.

    So, finally, my husband asks me if I would believe the Bible if the UN were to suddenly turn on organized religion and destroy them all. I said the Bible doesn't mention the UN to which he countered that it does talk about the kings of the earth destroying false religion. So, I asked him to give me one believable scenario as to how the UN could make that happen or enforce it. If they haven't been able to agree on or enforce any of their peace keeping measures effectively, how would they agree on or enforce any universal religious policies they might make. Not to mention that would probably require them to commit genocide on a heretofore unforseen scale which is the exact opposite of their mandate. They could never successfully wipe out religion by force anymore than the communists could. They will never be successful at wiping out religon or achieving world peace because they are unable to change human nature.

    I told him I was so sure this would never happen in my lifetime that I would agree to re-convert to being a Witness if it ever did. He said, it would be too late for me then, I would be buzzard meat at Armageddon. I told him I wasn't worried. I'm so confident in human nature going on as it always has that I won't be losing a minutes sleep over it. That was the end of that conversation.


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