We are a Return Visit for the Mormans

by Bonnie_Clyde 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Thought I sent this an hour ago, but apparently it didn't go.

    For about a year Morman elders called on us off and on. Finally Clyde called it off.
    But recently a new set of elders started coming. They would sit out on the front porch with Clyde,
    and I would make myself invisible. A couple of weeks ago Clyde was taking a nap and the elders showed
    up on our porch. I told them that I could not accept their Book of Morman and gave my reasons why.
    Of course, they had their answer to why it was the book was from God.

    They know about our Witness background, and I told them that if had only two religions to choose from--
    the Witnesses or the Mormons, I would choose the Mormans although I really wasn't interesed in any
    religion right now. I told them that there were three things I liked about them--one was that they
    not only allow, they also encourage their young people to get an education. I liked the fact that
    they encourage their people to set food and other supplies aside in the event of a catastrophe. I
    like the fact that they seem to promote strong family ties (of course the Witnesses claim they do also).

    That was probably a mistake as now they have now set up a weekly schedule to come and teach us the
    "truth" about the Book of Mormon and about the prophet, Joseph Smith. Clyde doesn't mind their stopping
    by on a Sunday afternoon. He says it gives us a chance to relax, talk about God and Christ, and it
    gives them something to do.

    I've mentioned three things I like about the Mormons. Now I'm going to start on what I don't like
    about them.

    1) They are a high-control religion--just like the WT.
    2) I believe they also practice shunning. Does anyone know how severe?
    3) They are filled with man-made rules--just like the WT.
    4) They actually feel that modern revelations can actually nullify or replace Christ's teachings and
    5) They have an answer for anything--just like the witnesses--even if it doesn't make sense.
    6) They warn us about asking our "pastor" about the Book of Mormon because he would surely say it was
    wrong. If we want to know about the Mormans, go to the right source. I remember warning my studies
    the same way.
    7) They expect their members to tithe 10% of their gross. Yikes!
    8) They believe they are the only true religion.

    I asked them why they think it is wrong to have a drink. This is not really a big concern. I drink very
    moderately, rarely more than two a week. Clyde rarely drinks because of his medications. Their answer
    was that there was some revelation back in the 19th century that it was wrong to use alcohol. I asked
    about Jesus turning water into wine, but they feel that it was OK back then, but not now.

    They feel that if we start reading the Book of Morman, and pray to God, that we will come to accept it
    as God's word.

    Like I said, I don't mind talking to them. But what if they take over our minds? Now that is scary!
    Does anyone have any more information, or could someone give me a link so I can get more information.

  • greendawn

    You are right they are just another cult their founder was also a free mason just like Russell and they are oppresive on their members apart from having a lot of strange heretical ideas. They and the WTS are sister organisations.

  • lisavegas420

    I did a lot of research on the mormons. My husband has several family member that are Mormans. Two of the boys did missionay work in Japan and married women from there.

    I found this site really interesting. Mostly I was intriqued and amazed with the people that felt exactly how I did when leaving JW's. Only the verbage is different: http://home.teleport.com/~packham/voices1.htm

    From site:

    After fifteen years of marriage, ten of it as a Mormon and five years as an ex-Mormon, I can say it was the most miserable time of my life. My wife and I did the usual Mormon courtship thing--barely get to know each other, get married, and then stress and impoverish ourselves with children right away. I love my wife, but after a while it was clear to me that my greatest virtue was I was a returned missionary and the best thing I could do was to obey the leadership so that she could go to the Celestial f***ing Kingdom with me. On my part, I didn't give her all the passion I felt because I was afraid of not appearing patriarchal enough.
    Mormons can't imagine that a person would leave the church as a rational, sane and completely thought-out direction. It always needs to have an excuse for them.....a personality conflict...an axe to grind...etc.
    Every interaction with the church reported on this list has had some element of supervison, or monitoring, guidance, or control with it. Every contact with the church is "inspection" of you, your actions and motives. Home teachers (the LDS spy network IMNSHO), the bishop (micro-managing your life), the endless meetings and callings (the "beehive" concept), all designed to suck every last minute of your private life and resources from you.
    was in a physically abusive marriage for more than 12 years. I had talked to various Bishops about this over the years, but always received the same counsel, which was: Try hard to make your marriage work, and try not to do anything to provoke your [Mormon] husband. One of my bishops in Colorado even suggested that I work on my homemaking skills, and try hard to be a better wife to my husband.
    I could write a book about the anger I feel for the pomposity that has invaded my marriage bed over the past 27 years. The garments for starters. The insistance that sex be with single purpose in mind..... Endless church callings which drain bodies physically and spiritually. I'm just very grateful that our marriage is coming through the muck without being entirely destroyed before it ever got a chance to play itself through...

    It just goes on and on...the lies, deceit, the spying, all up in your sex life, the do more, never good enough,


  • nelly136


    theres some interesting links on this site, especially the bit about ex menbers being able to sue if theyre excommunicated after they've chosen to resign.

    if you dont want them calling you really need to put your foot down and tell them to naff off, its your house and your time theyre intruding on.

  • nelly136

    and you are under absolutely no obligation to explain to them why you dont believe in their beliefs or justify your reasons.

  • jgnat
    Like I said, I don't mind talking to them. But what if they take over our minds? Now that is scary!

    Don't worry, you have a permanent inoculation against manipulative cultish behavior. Thanks to your JW experience, you're immune. As long as you are not afraid to be rude, you can have them go any time you like. Just like the JW's, if you ask too many hard questions, the Mormons will leave. They can't risk being infected with honesty!

  • Mysterious

    1) They are a high-control religion--just like the WT.Yes they are a very high control group, I don't differentiate their practices in this regard from JWs actually.

    2) I believe they also practice shunning. Does anyone know how severe?
    The shunning is every bit as severe as disfellowshipping. Even worse in heavily populated areas like Utah where it would be hard to get a job or even buy groceries if you were to leave the church.

    3) They are filled with man-made rules--just like the WT.
    Even more so since the book of mormon that they hold as doctrine was written by a man but is held up as the word of god.

    4) They actually feel that modern revelations can actually nullify or replace Christ's teachings
    Christ overturned the old covenant and gave us a new one according to his blood, wouldn't it be a rejection of Christ's blood and sacrifice to replace his teachings that he said would last his apostles to the last days?

    5) They have an answer for anything--just like the witnesses--even if it doesn't make sense.
    One of the goals of religion is to answer the unanswerable and thus provide comfort. The way cults grow is by having the answers that the weak and vulnerable seek. It is enough to have an answer even if it is not very plausible.

    6) They warn us about asking our "pastor" about the Book of Mormon because he would surely say it was

    wrong. If we want to know about the Mormans, go to the right source. I remember warning my studies

    the same way.
    I think you need to do independant research. Actually "make the truth your own". You would not ask a liar to prove his lies were right so why would you ask any religion to show how they are right?

    7) They expect their members to tithe 10% of their gross. Yikes!
    Jesus did away with the mosaic law there is no reason for this but greed.

    8) They believe they are the only true religion.
    Doesn't everybody honestly? People want to be right they don't want to follow a religion, especially one that requires sacrifice that is merely "a" path leading to god.

    Personally I feel the JWs and mormons are scarily alike and that the negative fate they both offer is equally abysmal. Sites that offer support to ex-JWs and ex-mormons are also very similar. I would urge you to do your research and not get entangled in another trap like this one; make sure the rest of your family does too.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I found this site/on-line book interesting:


  • mckay

    I was raised in a Mormon household and never, from day one had an interest in it. My favorite site for Mormon information is:


    There's more there than you want to know but my favorite subject is Mormon Polygamy. Read a little about Joseph Smith and his marriages to other mens's wives and to 14 - 15 year old girls. Makes for interesting reading and interesting questions for Mormon Missionaries to answer as to the reasons for polygamy. No! it wasn't because of excess women as most LDS believe.

  • BizzyBee
    I told them that if had only two religions to choose from--

    the Witnesses or the Mormons, I would choose the Mormans

    And now for the grand prize - a brand new toaster oven! - *drumroll* - Would you rather be stabbed or shot?


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