Jesus - WHERE is he?!! Survey

by hamsterbait 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    Blondie has repeatedly asked in her item on the WT Study "WHERE IS JESUS?"

    Since the WTBTS claims to be Christian, you could reasonably expect such an organization to talk about Jesus could you not?

    For all JWs, and others - start counting how often Jesus is mentioned at the meetings. (apart from the end of the prayers)

    Today in the talk ONCE (I kid you not!!) in a whole hour!

    Study apart from "Christian" (meaning JW) nonce.

    Get counting and report back!!


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I haven't been to a meeting in a while, and won't be going again, but thinking back, he didn't get too many mentions at most of the meetings I went to. Jehovah and the fds were mentioned a lot more.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    The truth about Jesus is kept under wraps at the Klingon Hall.

    That is because somebody at Bethel, somebody who writes the literature knows

    If the rank and file dub had a close personal relationship with Jesus, they would have no need to work for their paradise hope.

    In a close personal relationship with Jesus it is understood that He paid the price for all your sins and you can not do anything to deserve it, it is a free gift.

    If there ever were meetings that could have been attended, obedience to a group of men, service hours turned in, a special way to talk and dress, if it was possible to earn a spot in paradise, then Jesus would have never had had to die.

    That is why the whole truth of what the Bible REALLY says about Jesus is kept hush hush.

    Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.~Jesus

  • Arthur

    The "Faithful Slave" is basically the proxy for Jesus. JWs do indeed pay more homage to the F.S. than they do Jesus Christ. Notice how JWs get offended when other Christians say endearing things about Jesus. If anyone even has a bumper sticker that says: "Jesus Loves You", most JWs snicker at it and and say: "Oh, look at those members of Christendom".

    But, if anyone says to follow and obey the F.S. without question, or how we must give our total allegiance to the GB, JWs will all nod in agreement like bobble-head dolls.

  • SirNose586
    The "Faithful Slave" is basically the proxy for Jesus. JWs do indeed pay more homage to the F.S. than they do Jesus Christ. Notice how JWs get offended when other Christians say endearing things about Jesus. If anyone even has a bumper sticker that says: "Jesus Loves You", most JWs snicker at it and and say: "Oh, look at those members of Christendom".

    Yeah, I notice, because I can remember saying stuff like that...

    Now I want to see what other people say. I'm not going to let dubs insult others for wanting to get close to Jesus; not without betraying how they really feel about others getting close to Jesus without being in the Org.

  • TopHat

    If you ask a witniod, how does one get close to Jesus. They will almost always say, by getting close to Jehovah's organization. .....I DON'T THINK SO

  • Arthur
    If you ask a witniod, how does one get close to Jesus. They will almost always say, by getting close to Jehovah's organization

    This trite sales-pitch is like saying that if one wants to enjoy a nice, nourishing meal; just stare at a Denny's billboard.

  • Flash

    Jesus is deliberately excuded because of all the personal freedom it would mean for the RF.

    Oh NO! Can't have that!

  • JamesThomas

    Yes, where is Jesus?!

    Other than Jesus-thoughts and beliefs running about in the mind, where is Jesus? Besides Krishna-thoughts running amuck in the mind, where is Krishna? Besides Buddha-thoughts running around in the mind, where is Buddha? Besides Allah beliefs flowing through the mind, where is Allah. Other than Jehovah-thoughts moving through the mind, where is Jah?

    Besides me-thoughts running, running through the mind, where am I? Who, what am I, really?



  • Elsewhere

    I keep Jebus in this little box:

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