You two didn't see it cuz you guys can't concentrate long enough to stare in the middle dag nabbit!
Me thinks Flyin and OldFlame are prolly crosseyed too.
by gumby 22 Replies latest social humour
You two didn't see it cuz you guys can't concentrate long enough to stare in the middle dag nabbit!
Me thinks Flyin and OldFlame are prolly crosseyed too.
Well, that's just the thing, Gumb, I was cross eyed until I looked at your dots. Now, after 47 plus years, I'm cured!
Yes master... I will do your bidding
They disappeared, but came back when I looked away and looked again, a bit like the jw doorknockers really.
i have this huge urge to shine nuts now. weird
The GB is a complete joke anyway. You only have to read Crisis of Conscience to realise that.
I wish they would all disappear and stop misleading my family.
I think the governing body is disappearing in a very real sense. There are no real characters left, and who but the most clued up Witnesses could even name the members of the governing body these days? There are no men with charisma such as Russell had, or later A H MacMillan, Covington, even Fred Franz had an acquired sense of charm about him. The old anti-apostate warriors like Albert Schroeder and Lloyd Barry are gone now too.
Some people talk about the governing body as "cult leaders", but they really lack the charisma and personal following to deserve such a title. They are more like tired old executives who attained their position through an inefficient old-boys' networking system. The majority are followers rather than leaders. And the leaders seem to act more with arrogance and coercion than with true leadership and charm.
If a real charismatic leader somehow manages to break through at some point that could really shake things up in a way that we have not seen for a long time. But then, the system in place seems to mitigate against that happening.
Slim (who suspects he has missed the point of this thread)
Geeze, gumby, I'm still seeing pink and green dots. I had to give up staring at the little plus sign cuz it was making me nauseous.
Any thing you say.... I will do.
Slimboyfat, nice summation of the GB's current position.
Juni....stare at the circle below and repeat over and over....
"I will be Gumbys concubine and will do whatever he asks me
..I will be Gumbys concubine and will do whatever he asks me
*gets ready for a bunch of robotic naked women to show up in his parlor*