They are threatened by recorders because recorders record the TRUTH! You did the right thing. The only thing I would have done different is I would have said "show me in the bible where I can't use a recorder and I will put it away". They might have DF'd you on the spot though. LOL!!!
I guess I won't be re-appointed as a servant again.
by rassillon 24 Replies latest jw friends
This post makes me laugh, I mocked a elder once about being appointed. What happened was a elder wanted me to take a care of some stuff. I didn't want to, so the brother started making comments about brothers who are used make spiritual advancement in the congregation (brown noses are a worthy goal). He asked me again to take care of something and I cut him off by saying "... or what, you're not going to make me a ministerial servant?" in a mocking voice. He just stared at me and then I walked away.
I really didn't want to be reappointed again. At this point in my life, I was getting past the disillusionment with the bOrg and was moving to the next phase... anger with the borg. The following year I became inactive and now I longer attend meetings. A man can only take so much crap and then he gets tired of the bullsh*t.Life is good out of the bOrg.
I'm considering investing in some tiny recording devices. You never know when it could come in handy.
Lady Liberty: "I would be willing to bet a thousand dollars that they record every meeting they have, just the person being interrogated has no idea."
They really don't, Lady. I know it might seem in keeping with their legalistic mindset, but the Society very clearly instructs elders that there will be NO recordings made of these meetings. While it's true they might find something like this useful in skewering someone, if there is any recording made the possibility exists that it might be used against them--so they don't want them. Recordings can be legally subpoenad, can't they?
It would have been funny for you to re-enact that famous scene from Jerry McGwire where Tom Cruise starts shaking his body and flailing his arms around saying: "Don't worry, I'm not going to freak out!"