Brigid - you wrote:
Now what I struggle with is: Do good and evil truly exist? And if so, what is the nature of each? What determines what is evil?
We really don't have to work so hard at this concept, eh?
Yes, of course they exist. Otherwise social mores and ethics would not exist. The do exist in all cultures, God concept whatever it may be.
Nature of each? Our own normal human reaction to tough situations gives a pretty good temperature guage...
AlQueda blowing up those planes into the twin towers? - [ ] good, [ ] evil, [ ] don't know
Crazed GIs raping that girl and murdering the family? - [ ] good, [ ] evil, [ ] don't know
The lady her on JWD who rescued a little cat, kept it healthy as long as possible at great cost, and gave it a compassionate end? - - [ ] good, [ ] evil, [ ] don't know
WTSociety teachings on Malawi ID card which got literally hundreds tortured and murdered? (and not remotely in Bible) - - [ ] good, [ ] evil, [ ] don't know
Death penalty for mass murderers Ted Bundy and Tim McVeigh? - [ ] good, [ ] evil, [ ] don't know
What determines what is evil? Ultimately, we have to ourselves - individually and as a whole society. WTSociety cannot do it for us. One isolated political viewpoint cannot do it for us. The weight of our own moral code and that of society in general has to...and always has through man's history - admittedly with many deviations and ultimate corrections.
Most sincerely, James