Of all the issues that enraged & confounded me while growing up in the Org, this has got to be the biggest one (so please forgive me in advance if I rant just a little). The usual WT explanations of integrity, proving God's right to rule, etc. (as discussed earlier in this thread) just didn't hold water for me...
I once came up with an analogy similar to yours, GBSJG, but tried to put myself in the place of the supposedly 'loving' Father. Suppose I had a son who was out playing ball with friends in the front yard. The ball goes sailing out into the street, right into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Could I say that I loved my son if I saw what was about to happen, was perfectly capable of intervening, & yet did nothing about it? "I love you so much, son, I'm going to help you ENDURE this!!!"
It is slowly beginning to dawn on me that maybe the problem I have is not with the idea of God himself (if He exists, or how), but 'God' as dictated to me by the WT publishing company all those years. I try honestly to read the Bible & Christian publications at times, but always run up against the same obstacle--the ideas of God, Jesus, etc., immediately trigger their JW interpretations in my mind. Which only gets me angry & frustrated all over again. Many others I have met who left the Org (including some I have met on this site) have maintained a Christian outlook or belief system. I sincerely wonder how that can be done..
Though I am a long ways from figuring everything out for myself (including the nature of God or a Higher Power), there IS one conclusion I have arrived at: 'God' as manufactured by the WTS is a self-serving being who loves & protects individuals only to the extent that it accords with 'His' plan or interests. The young German JW of WWII, with a young wife & newborn child at home, who is about to face a firing squad for his beliefs, MIGHT have been delivered via angelic intervention if it was in line with 'God's' will (or whim?). Then again, he might not have been. The first time I ever swore in front of my mother was when I said, "If Jehovah is so loving, why doesn't he just TAKE DAD'S F***ING CANCER AWAY!!!" All I got for saying that was a slap across the face...
I cannot help but think of a line (which I have almost memorized) from the movie 'Devil's Advocate,' where Al Pacino (playing the 'Devil') says the following, "Let me give you a little inside information about God...God likes to watch...He's a prankster...Think about it...He gives man instincts...He gives you this extraordinary gift & then what does he do, I swear, for his own amusement--his own private, cosmic gag reel?...He sets the rules in opposition...It's the goof of all time..."Look, but don't touch"..."Touch, but don't taste"..."Taste, don't swallow"...(he laughs)...And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is he doing?...He's laughing his sick, f***ing a** off!!!...He's a tighta**...He's a sadist...He's an ABSENTEE LANDLORD (emphasis mine)."
Thanks for letting me vent