the good, the bad, the ugly and the weird

by wasasister 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    You can make reference to those poster's you consider, good, bad and ugly, by going so far as to post their comments, but I'am "inflicting harm, without knowing the facts"?

    Kettle black here Wasa, big time.

    If you cannot look at your comments from a different view, then I will refrain from offering mine.

    Sorry you took such offense.


  • COMF

    Dan... just shoot in amongst 'em, huh?


  • DannyBear


    Where did I make reference to Ecc. 3 anywhere in my comments. I did not use qoutation marks, or infer in any way that I was quoting from the Bible.


  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    Allow me to re-introduce myself:

    My name is Amanda. I am a wife and a mother of a beautiful 3 year old girl. I enjoy traveling and eating new food and meeting new people. I enjoy watching sunsets and listening to the birds sing. I like to write short stories and enjoy listening to music. I was born a redhead. My ancestors were from Checkoslovakia, Scotland, Ireland and England. I love to hang with the guys and talk about cars. I collect Beanie Babies. I am proud to be an American and will fight for my country - the finest country in the world. I am soft as a feather and tough as nails. I will defend those I love and my personal character to the grave. I am unique and I am beautiful. There is no other like me. I have compassion and love to offer 10x’s what is given to me. I have deep strength and passion. I am often misunderstood. I believe life is not fair, but when you have someone to love it makes it all worth while. My name is Amanda – what is yours?

  • DannyBear


    You trolling for a fight? I already stepped in it with Wasa, I don't need to start a war with you...theres plenty of that goin on.

  • GinnyTosken


    Ah, I see. You were just presenting a "simple fact."

    I like the version in Ecclesiastes better.

    Good luck with your Bible rewrite.


  • Naeblis

    My name Is tim. I like to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. I don't have any kids (None the courts can prove) and I havent seen the sun in months. Ionce ate a beanie babie (i thought it was an apple fritter) I'm proud to be a Canadian and I might possibly think about considering fighting for my country maybe. I like to say "eh" and sometimes I work without pants on. My anme is Tim. What's yours?

  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    P.S. - Amanda/Moe is tired and needs some sleep. I am so tired of fighting. Please everybody stop, OK? I want so badly to use this board, but... Let's all get aong and stop the personal attacks. If I have hurt or offebded anyone, please accept my sincere apologies. I love you all, I really do. I am just so tired of all of this, I really am.

  • DannyBear


    Which part of Ecc 3:3 do you prefer? The time to kill? Or should I just presume..The time to heal?

    Sometimes Ginny your snotty replies, can backfire...just like this.


  • wasasister

    Danny: I really am trying to understand where you're coming from. How do you read "snotty" in Ginny asking you where you got your quote? It seems a reasonable question.

    Help me understand what is driving you? What in my post made you think I don't believe a response is warranted?

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