I have changed!!

by orangefatcat 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.... I just couldn't help myself. I really did try to NOT post it... but I've been sitting on this allllll night:

    I have changed!!

    Whew... for a minute there I was afraid you were posting about changing your underwear.

    Ok... I'm all better now.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Congrats OFC. I'm glad you've found something to fill that spiritual need. I'm still searching.


  • orangefatcat

    Elsewhere, are you taking lessons from KLS??

    She is the one who generaly insults me and now you are becoming a weasal like her.

    I love it. I love it.

    Ozzie, thanks for sharing your brief story, I don't feel so lonely anymore now that there are fellow Anglicans in our midst.

    and also thanks KW13

    I just recieved an email this morning from my Aunt who is the only non witness in my family , well except to my Uncle in Florida. So anyway Aunt Mary is going to be my sponser for my Baptism, and I am so happy that she said yes. Now my grandma who passed on in 1992 will see us from heaven and know that I finally left that notorious cult. The date of my baptism will be September the 24th 2006.

    I am so happy let me reiterate that again that so many of you are great supporters. I love you all and Elsewhere and MONKEY too.



  • Mary
    KW13 said: i am baptized and confirmed Anglican too,

    Aw geeze......there goes the neighbourhood!! .

    There is a great support system and noone passes judgement on you. On Monday's of each week the pastors and myself get together to discuss the scriptures. They are impressed with my knowledge of the Bible, I didn't tell the I was a JW for 37 years as I felt it wasn't any thing positive to include.

    Hey hon, I think that's great that you've found something else! I too have gone to another church a couple of times since leaving. It's conservative (Reformed Presbyterian), but hell, after the WTS, anything else seems like a breeze. The pastor knows I was a Witness and believe me---they will NOT hold that against you. In fact, you are in a position to actually teach your new congregation about the Witnesses and their beliefs and how others can answer them when they come knocking. I know Mouthy has been invited more times than she can accept, to talk to different groups of people at different churches about the Witnesses.

    That of course, is entirely up to you, but I think that, given the judgemental way we were taught to judge people while in "the Truth", we automatically think that everyone else does the same thing. They don't.

  • HappyDad

    I just read your post OFC and I am very happy for you.

    Just this past Sunday I had a nice talk with the pastor of the church I attend and I am going to finally become a member of the church and also have a real baptism.

    Betcha feel great, huh?


  • orangefatcat

    actually your idea Mary is a good one, maybe I will tell the pastor I was a JW for 38 years. Who knows w hat could tranxprie.

    Thanks again Mary.


  • Crumpet

    I know alot of you no longer are involved in any other faith or spiriual path, but I just wanted to share my new joy.

    Thats great terry - I am very pleased for you and hope you continue to find joy, love and satisfaction with your church community - I know that you do have a very big heart as well as being a very sweet and unjudgemental human being.


  • orangefatcat

    Awe (((((Crumet, ))))

    thanks for your kind remarks. I am so blessed to know so many great frineds here in JWD .

    with much love.


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