Dear Jaberwalkie,
WELCOME!!!We are so glad you are here. I am sure you will find much needed support and understanding here as there are many here who have been through something simular. It is unbelieveble that a organization that is supposed to be identified by love would think thie worst of their brother. Trying to undue rumors and lies are like trying to stop a freight train. And even if you could possibly clear it up and everyone knew the real truth about the situation, no one would really want to believe it anyway, for it would be much more interesting and "juicy" to believe the lie! I am so very sorry you have been treated the way you have.Personally my husband and I are in a simular situation. We have been labeled and are now shunned for asking my inlaws about a question we had on 607this was about a year ago. Something that was said in confidence became the talk of the town. Boy do rumors fly!! We have heard from 2 states away lies and slander. If you read some of my posts, you will see what has happened. It is hard to believe that everyone that you "thought" were your friends have turned out to be nothing more than superficial "conditional" friends. I can count on one hand those that have shown any intrest in our family since we stopped going to the meetings. Months before anyone heard anything about us, I can count on one hand the ones that inquired if we were ok or not. And we were very active in the congregation! My had even been a MS. I can't believe yu were sick, and they thought the worst of you! I always said to my husband, I could have some sort of terrible illness, and they wouldn't even know. Only one very elderly not acting elder called. I guess the others were far too busy. I remember years ago I called our PO because my grandmother was very discouraged because of the lack of love, and had threatened not to go back to the meetings ever again. Like the concerned grandaughter that I am, I quuickly called the PO. I told him she needed encouragement, since she was a spiritual "widow". Could he call her or visit her. I was blown away when he told me, " She is a big girl, she knows what she should be doing." Then he praised me and told me how good of an example I was, and to keep it up. That was it!!! He never called her or came by. Some spiritual craig and shelter!! I have concluded, as long as you are visible you are good. But when you start missing meetings, you become guilty and never given the chance to prove innocent. Anyway, I am so very sorry you were so alone! You won't be here!! Hang in there and stick around!
SIncerely your friend,
Lady Liberty