I decided when I left that if God was going to judge and destroy me for choosing a good life, happiness and contentment over a lifetime of misery then so be it. I can't beive any loving God woud do that, and I don't worry about it at all.
Are You Afraid That Armageddon Is Going To Come Since Leaving "The Truth"?
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
If the Bible is right - then the Jw's aren't!
If the Jw's are right - then the Bible isn't!
Either way - the Jw's are not the 'selected ones' they claim - so if the Big A comes, or something like it comes, attachment to Jw's will not be an issue. In fact, it might be better not to be attached to a right-wing, bigoted, self-righteious lot of hypocritical cultists. In fact it always better not to be isn't it?
Nope it's a bunch of bs. I'm not afraid Santa will think me naughty either. :)
After 9-11, some inactive JWs went back to the meetings. They were afraid. I was watching War of The Worlds this past weekend and could visualize the horror that some might think wioll happen in the big WAR.
The only thing I am afraid of is dying before I've done everything I've wanted to do with my life.
Nathan Natas
Daniel, I know this isn't comforting, but pretty much everyone dies with things still on their "to do" list.
Its been about 3 years since I stopped going to meetings and about 18 years since my sister stopped. Occasionally we talk to each other about being brought up as dubs and as much as you try to forget, it always seems to stay with you just that little bit. Something will happen on the news or you'll hear some "key phrases" and yeah, occassionally I wonder if maybe Armageddon is going to come.
Last time it happened was when I saw an ad on tv for a political party advertising that they would get religion out of politics. That hit a very small nerve for me.
Now I live my life from day to day, and I tend to think, even if it does come, I dont really care all that much, the last few years of my life have been the best by far, thank goodness I got out when I did, otherwise I'd still be feeling guilty, depressed and restricted.
I still really do believe though, that it should be left up to people to make their own decisions about staying or leaving the JWs. I would never try too hard to talk someone out of becoming a JW if that what they really wanted, as long as they knew all about every aspect of the organisation. I think a lot of people are truely happy living that life. Then again, if they wanted a way out I would be there to support them in that decision also.
Well ive got to admit it does sometimes still worry me, but theres nothing I can do about it.
If it is coming I dont think the Jehovah Brand is the one to save me, and if the Jehovah Brand IS the right one I couldnt go back anyways.
My mum stopped being a JW a few years ago but she still firmly beleives in the Big A coming to a town near you soon. It kind of depresses me, so I dont think about it.
an ad on tv for a political party advertising that they would get religion out of politics.
That's # 4 on the Top Ten list of things you will never see in the USA.
No I'm not. No need to worry Min, I walk around wearing my depends.