Treatment by the JoHos this weekend

by IP_SEC 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I had to go home over the weekend to pick up more furniture and such. Im moving into an apartment finally in Lafayette. Anywho, I had 3 run ins with Johos over the weekend and they were all pleasant. I ran into one brother and his family in the parking lot of TCBY. No shunning, he said hi and asked how I'd been and what have you.

    A dear friend came by to visit. He/she/it gave me a (in his/her/its words) forbidden hug and kiss. I've also found out that a brother with responsibilities in the congo has offered to help me move some of my bigger items? Thats the kind of thing that could get a person relieved of his responsibilities.

    Im wondering what gives? They are acting very unwitnessy especially since I DA'd as an apostate. What you think?

  • Warlock

    I think they are letting their human kindness override "the rules".

    I feel the same way.

    Even though I've been inactive for a few years, and almost everyone at the hall knows me, I would never turn my back on anyone who d.a.'ed or was d.f.'ed, no matter who saw me.

    So I'm going to help or greet some worldly person and not help or greet a former brother? I don't think so!


  • carla

    Maybe they are hoping you have forgotton about love bombing and will come running back any day now!?

  • kls

    I think i would be very Leary as you said this is not like most jws act . It sounds like some sort of love bombing.

    Maybe just me but they always have an agenda to their actions.

    Careful Binner and expect the unexpected, and remember , we are in the end times so recruitment and love bombing are the themes this year.

  • thecarpenter

    maybe since they think armageddon is so close that now they are trying to appease god so that they don't get destroyed. nothing like the fear of god to remind people how they should act.

  • arrowstar

    oh you really think that the very people that would cross a street to avoid you before have suddenly had a change of heart? I truly hope that their actions were sincere, but I seriously doubt it.


  • crazyblondeb

    If they help you move, they will know where you are!!

  • JamesThomas

    Do yourself a favor and rest in the huge possibility that they are simply kind people.



  • IP_SEC

    aww dont get me wrong. There's not enough money in the world to make me even think about going back. I know there are plenty of them that still wont have anything to do with me, but this stuff is way out of character.

    If they are trying to please god then by having anything to do with a DA'd apostate is the wrong thing to do in witnoid thinking. If the end is close they should be trying to have less to do with an evil slaver. The WTS would condemn their actions. Thats what makes it weird to me.

  • IP_SEC
    Do yourself a favor and rest in the huge possibility that they are simply kind people.

    Thank you JT

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