how many of you have armed themselves?

by buffalosrfree 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Auchmull

    wait a minute.

    You meant "don't usually" didn't you?

  • Auchmull
  • MinisterAmos
    You don't even have to have a shotgun. You just need to yell "get the shotgun!!!".

    I read an experience like that a long time ago. Some guy was breaking into a home and the daughter yelled "mom, get the shotgun!!!". The burgler turned around and went right back out the window.

    Every now and then someone adds to the Stupid Hall of Fame by posting something so outrageous, dangerous and maliciously stupid that it really begs examining.

    Your "some guy said" story might have happened, but the intruder certainly was not armed. A real Droogie loaded to the gills hearing a FEMALE! issuing a challenge like that would make sure to investigate further. When he found there was no gun you can bet that pay-back would be a real bitch for both Mom and Daughter especially if his friends were tagging along. Do you really want that kind of blood guilt by suggesting that this is a viable option?

    A reasonable person would either run like hell out the front door as intruder entered through the rear or opened up with the REAL shotgun as soon as the head cleared the window sill. Defensive weaponry is best kept HIDDEN until it is used.

  • RichieRich

    I own many firearms, from hunting guns (Ruger M77. Thompson Encore) to Tactical, CQB rifles (4 AR-15s), and many handguns, some for hunting ( Ruger super Redhawk, Freedom Arms .454 Cassull) and some for carry ( severall 1911s, Beretta 92&96, Walther P99).

    Recently, two guys came and almost kicked in my apartment door. They were trying to rob my roomate, and i'm sure they would have done the same to me. I was in my room, which joins a hall that funnels to the front door, so I grabbed my Tactically outfitted AR15, ad stepped into the hallway, charging my rifle, and shouldering it to acquire a target. at the sight of me with my rifle, the agressors backed out of the door, and ran down the stairs to their vehicle. I stepped out on to my balcony which overlooks the parking lot , with my rifle held in a passive, across the chest position, and got their license plate number.

    had I not been in posession of that particular weapon, and not had it nearby, my roomate would've lost property, and more than likely been hurt. Assuming that I still would have been there, I might have been hurt myself, and or inflicted harm on the criminals.

    That gun saved more than one life.

    But, I'm not dependant on guns, I practice Yawara and MMA, work out at a martial arts gym and often spar with other members. A weapon is not necessary to defend one's self, but it sure helps.

    I've attended the Blackwater Tactical Training Center, and on more than one occasion, I've been asked to return to be an instructor.

    Just because you own a gun doesn't mean youll ever be violently attacked. but just because you have car insurance it doesn't mean you'll cause an accident. The majority of drivers don't get in accidents, so insurance is a gamble. Want to ban car insurance???

  • katiekitten

    Hey Ritchie, are you sure they actually saw the gun? My guess is they just saw you and fled!

    Our neighbour came round our house once with a peice of lead pipe in his hand to tell me to shut up (cos I was laughing real loud at my favourite comedy at the ungodly hour of 10:30pm). Funny thing was my husband didnt actually see the pipe, and just stood at the door telling the neighbour "if youve got a problem phone the police".

    Well after a while the pipe tapper couldnt understand why my ole man wasnt backing down, and he left.

    I said "ohmygod, that was so brave, did you see the pipe he was tapping on his leg" and my ole man said "no!". hah h hahhahah ahahhahaha

  • Justice-One

    I know this goes without saying, but to say I'm armed (and trained) is an understatement.

  • Justice-One
    Ok, I got a question for all you cats who arm yourselves to the teeth. How fair is it to assume that someone like yourself will exemplify the complete stereotype of a paranoid survivalist? For instance, do you dress in fatigues for no good reason? Mutter about conspiracy theories, pinkos, liberals, illegals, etc.? Do you have tapes of the Kennedy Assassination, or posters of paramilitary groups?

    Hey, BDU's can be damm comfortable. And I don't think you can be a survivalist without being paranoid. BTW, how did you know that I mutter all the time?

  • Justice-One
    You'll have to excuse my ignorance in the area of gun ownership as I live in what Justice-One would call a "socialist paradise," a haven for pinko-commie-liberals, aka socal.

    That's ok. I have been around firearms my entire life, and have made it a point to be educated when it comes to firearms laws. California is so far out there, that when I came out here I had to buy a book titled "How To Own A Gun In California, And Stay Out Of Jail."

  • Witchettygrub

    Hmmmm... I think I'll be going by Black Sheep's suggestion about the 'awesome, short range weapon' and keep a saw handy by the bedside. I'm heading over to Bunnings right now to get the latest. Oh, by the way I'm no granny. WG

  • pharisee

    Get a dog, much better than a gun. What's a gun going to do for you when someone is standing over you when you or your family are sleeping?

    I would recommend a dog that is easily trained and will not attack you and your family (pitbulls no good). German Shepards are one of the best.

    I have a rusty shotgun, its loaded with rock salt, to be used in severe situations, like someone messing with the women in my life. ; )

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