What type of gun would you recommend for personal protection?
I don't recommend any kind of gun for the vast majority of people. Don't take me for someone who wants to ban guns...I don't. I grew up with guns, I own guns. I believe in the right to bear arms. It's just that most people in our society today are not suited to carry a firearm. For those who do take the time and effort to be responsible gun owners and carriers, then I support the right for them to do so. I have owned various types of guns, from hand guns to rifles to shotguns, but currently I own just a couple of rifles for target practice. I do not feel the need to arm myself to protect myself. I've made it 40 some years without ever needing a firearm to protect me. I think I can make it another 40 more without that need.
If a person wants to own a gun for personal protection then that person must be prepared to take a human life without flinching if the need should arise.
If you are the kind of person who would hesitate one tenth of a second at pulling the trigger, then you shouldn't use a gun. If you can't pull the trigger and be prepared to kill in a moment's notice then that moment's hesitation will get you killed.
If you aren't willing to put in the time and practice of handling a gun properly, then you shouldn't use a gun.
If a homeowner feels the need to arm himself against a home invasion however, I recommend a shotgun. You don't have to aim, just point and shoot. You'll hit most everything in the direction that the barrel is pointed. But remember, you may destroy part of your home or it's furnishings as well, not to mention any loved ones who might be in the area. But If you have kids I wouldn't even consider having a loaded gun in the house.