Do you think they are doing this because they truly love the Satan character and want to please him or do you think they do it for complete shock value. To basically do something that makes what is defined as good in society (Christian religion) angry that someone would do something so wrong. Personally, I do not think there is one Satanist out their who truly thinks that they are worshiping a being that is real, or actually something that could benefit from their worship. I think they all do it for the negative and yet public attention. At the same time, I bring this up, as I am irritated that when someone asked me what my religion was and I told them, "I am Wiccan." They asked, "Are you a Satan worshipper then?" Satan is a bible character used to make lessons easier to understand to ancient people, not someone that is actually around. What is insulting, is that in modern times there are people who still think there is a Satan, and better yet, that they actually believe this crap about people worshipping him in the same sense as there are people worshiping Jesus Christ. If someone truly does think their worship is doing something for the character Satan, then I think they are insane. What are your thoughts?
If someone says they worship Satan
by free2beme 26 Replies latest jw friends
i think there are people who truly worship Satan but don't believe it is the same being/deity that is described in the Christian Bible and that Christians have villified him.
I find that most Satan worshipers that I've talked with realize that the god who came to be called Satan was orignally a horned god of love, fertility, and male essense. They understand the horned god got a bad wrap by late xianity.
Others with the black and pitchfork and xian view of satan are mostly prolly just in it for the shock value although I think some believe in the dark (oooOOOooooOOoOOOo) power of the judeoxian satan.
They obviously don't watch enough movies. Worshipping Satan *never* ends well.
So you are telling me that Satan isnt real, next you will be telling me that Magic and Earth Goddesses are not real too.
next you will be telling me that Magic and Earth Goddesses are not real too.
Our entire reality originates in the mind. Who's to say what is and isnt real?
LOL at Auchmull!
If someone says they worship satan I would expect them to either have really bad teeth and skin (because Satans mad at them for not doing enough time on field service) OR to be extremely rich (because Satan has rewarded them - like hes supposed to).
I think the gods should get into supply and demand capitalism, and start offering realistic inducements like $100 into your bank account when you start, or a good free gift. I wanna see whats on the table before I decide to commit to any particular deity.
I do not defend my own beliefs, as it is not that level of importance that I had as a Witness. I find that Wicca is more about trying to just understand the mind, then to understand a label. I am more into Shamanism, then Wicca, and just about anything surrounding either. By the way, it is not magic, that is like pulling a rabbit from the hat. It is spelt Magick, in the world of the occult. I am more at issue of people labeling people that are into this type of thinking, Satan worshipers. The horn God was applied to the Satan character when people tried to find things in Pagan beliefs to prove they worshipped Satan. The horn god has nothing to do with Christianity.
Our entire reality originates in the mind. Who's to say what is and isnt real?
Everybody is an amateur philosopher until a drunk walks up to them and pisses on their feet. Then you become fully immeresed in the shared reality you exist in.
It should be corrected to Our entire perception of reality originates in the mind.
You are perciving a wet shoe, while the drunk is perciving utter relaxation beside a waterfall.
So are you telling me that what he is perciving is real? To him? To you? To outside observers.
For hundreads of thousands of years, we have people perciving all kinds of crap, gods, magic, allah, holy men, philosophical ideals. All requiring a centain ammount of faith,"open mindedness" or brain damage. Well I have had it with all that crap and just try to percive reality in how it really is. In the end the shared construct or reality may be something like the matrix, even if I am given some profound insight behind this reality, in the end I will just add it to my understanding of how reality works and my interactions with it. -
I dont want to get off of frees topic vomit so if you want I can reply by pm?