Not the terrible act of terrorism that we all saw on TV...
I was thinking of the 30,000 children under the age of 5 who will have died on the same day from malnutrition and other preventable diseases. Slow, horrible deaths. These people are poor but the parents must love them as much as any 'rich westener' loves theirs.
The real tragic thing is that another 30,000 will die today and another 30,000 tomorrow... over 12 million a year in total
I certainly don't want to lessen what has happened but we do have a tendancy to only see things from our well-off perspective and ignore some of the other terrible things that are going on in the world. Unfortunately, these poor souls don't die all at once on live TV so they are unlikely to have the response that the barbaric terrorist act did but don't they deserve our help too?
I am beginning to understand how someone would feel resentment if they were in that position. Perhaps the best defence is more equality?