Terrible tradgedy - more deaths...

by Simon 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear


    I certainly agree with your sentiment. Getting there is another story.

    Do you send money to these countries? Then the rich greedy rulers just take it and build another wing on their palace.

    Do you send food? Sometimes the same thing happens. Sometimes they just let it rot in warehouses to keep the people dependent on them.

    Do you fight a war trying to force democracy on every country? History (Vietnam) proves you can't.

    Do you assassinate every ruthless dictator? Others would simply rise up in their place.

    No, freedom and the associated wealth that comes from living in a free society must start inside the people. The English, French, Spanish, Americans, on and on and on only have freedom and a better way of life because they have been willing to fight for it FOR THEMSELVES.

    How do you get the Chinese, Columbians, Saudis, Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, on and on and on to be willing to fight for this freedom for themselves? I don't have a short simple answer to that question.

    I believe that sanctions and bombings take us in exactly the opposite direction as it just reinforces the hold of the barbarians over the people.

    I think free trade and free access to information is the best answer. The more televisions, blue jeans, computers, refrigerators that people own, the more they want more and the only way to get more is more freedom. We need to inspire the people that they too can have what we have. It is not a zero sum game. They don't have to suffer just so we can live better. Wealth feeds on itself and creates more wealth and with it higher standards of living.

    It won't happen in our lifetime. I may not happen until mankind has destroyed himself. But, we can hope it might happen some day.



  • SixofNine

    Interesting thoughts Joel, in line with that, I'm reposting something Cygnus posted on Tuesday:

    I feel this way about it. World trade means world peace
    and consequently the World Trade Center buildings in
    New York ... had a bigger purpose than just to provide
    room for tenants. The World Trade Center is a living
    symbol of man's dedication to world peace ... beyond the
    compelling need to make this a monument to world peace,
    the World Trade Center should, because of its importance,
    become a representation of man's belief in humanity, his
    need for individual dignity, his beliefs in the cooperation of
    men, and through cooperation, his ability to find greatness.

    - Minoru Yamasaki, chief architect of the World Trade Center

  • JAVA

    Very well said, Simon!

    I'm sure people living in Third World Countries feel bitter knowing how others live in Industrialized Developed Nations. TR also made a noteworthy point about corrupt governments withholding aid to their citizens for various reasons, thus adding to the suffering because of greed are for political reasons. Indeed, we need to remove terrorist from society, but not stop there. We also need to honestly examine the causes of global disporoportional wealth, and find ways to correct that form of violence. Until then, the bitter will always be with us.

  • joelbear

    bitterness and anger and jealousy over what other people have doesn't make you richer, it just keeps you bitter and anger and jealous.

    i feel bad for them, certainly, but we have pumped billions and billions of dollars of charity into the third world since WWII and there is really nothing to show for it.

    you cannot distribute wealth forever. at some point wealth must be earned and built.

  • JAVA
    you cannot distribute wealth forever. at some point wealth must be earned and built.

    Passing out money does little more than passing out fish because the next day folks are hungry again. However, what are the causes of global disporoportional wealth? Lazy mothers who would rather hold a dying child instead of working? Perhaps she would feel better working in the diamond mines for pennies a day and still not have access to medical treatment. The idea of wealth being "earned and built" is impossible for most folks in Third World Countries.

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