I certainly agree with your sentiment. Getting there is another story.
Do you send money to these countries? Then the rich greedy rulers just take it and build another wing on their palace.
Do you send food? Sometimes the same thing happens. Sometimes they just let it rot in warehouses to keep the people dependent on them.
Do you fight a war trying to force democracy on every country? History (Vietnam) proves you can't.
Do you assassinate every ruthless dictator? Others would simply rise up in their place.
No, freedom and the associated wealth that comes from living in a free society must start inside the people. The English, French, Spanish, Americans, on and on and on only have freedom and a better way of life because they have been willing to fight for it FOR THEMSELVES.
How do you get the Chinese, Columbians, Saudis, Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, on and on and on to be willing to fight for this freedom for themselves? I don't have a short simple answer to that question.
I believe that sanctions and bombings take us in exactly the opposite direction as it just reinforces the hold of the barbarians over the people.
I think free trade and free access to information is the best answer. The more televisions, blue jeans, computers, refrigerators that people own, the more they want more and the only way to get more is more freedom. We need to inspire the people that they too can have what we have. It is not a zero sum game. They don't have to suffer just so we can live better. Wealth feeds on itself and creates more wealth and with it higher standards of living.
It won't happen in our lifetime. I may not happen until mankind has destroyed himself. But, we can hope it might happen some day.