the news article below references an article off of the Watchtowers official site and I checked it out and got the link to it. I will post that link 2nd. Is there really a flip flop on the generation issue back to one lifetime or what, if so this is crazy.
Jehovah's Witnesses' bait and switch deception (Check this Out)
by jrjr4189 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Apostate Kate
That is so messed up.
They have no idea how to even interpret simple basic Scripture. Then use it to freak out the ones still in.
Jehovah's Witnesses Bait & Switch Deception Sept 2005 Stupid old farts at crooklyn should have taken that page (below post) down
For the record, that article clearly states that it was written in 1993 -- before the 1995 change was announced. It also doesn't seem to be an article you can link to without knowing the exact URL, which tells me that it's more of an archive than a current article.
Likely you are familiar with the events of the 20th century. You know the chaos that has arisen. Some 100 million people have been killed in wars. Hundreds of millions of others have died from hunger and from sickness. Earthquakes have taken countless lives. Disregard for life and property grows. Fear of crime has become part of everyday life. Moral standards have been shoved aside. The population explosion poses problems that are not being solved. Pollution is spoiling the quality of life and is even endangering it. Truly, we have been in the last days since 1914 and are nearing the culmination of Bible prophecies involving our time.
How long a time period would these last days prove to be? Jesus said regarding the era that would experience the "beginning of pangs of distress" from 1914 onward: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." ( Matthew 24:8 , 34-36 ) Thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. So some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to its end. That generation of people is now very advanced in years, indicating that there is not much time left before God brings this present system of things to an end. Another prophecy showing that the end of this system is very near was given by the apostle Paul, who foretold: "Jehovah's day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying: 'Peace and security!' then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them . . . , and they will by no means escape."— 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3 ; see also Luke 21:34, 35 . Today the Cold War is over, and international war may no longer be a major threat. So the nations may feel that they are well on the way toward a new world order. But
I just emailed the cayman news with an interesting story. About six months ago the WT had this same article up. I emailed all the current Witnesses on my email list and some ex-JWs about this article as Danny pointed out - this teaching was changed. Randy posted the email on his freeminds webpage that I sent him with this news. Anyway, when people started calling the society to inquire - the article was removed. (in about one day), Now - here it is up again. Guess they thought they could sneak it in again. Anyway, I let the Cayman readers know the true story and about what happend a few months ago.
The WT continues to speak out of both sides of their mouths! They are trying to prey on unsuspecting people in the public and scare them into wanting a bible study..............Lilly
How long a time period would these last days prove to be? Jesus said regarding the era that would experience the "beginning of pangs of distress" from 1914 onward: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." ( Matthew 24:8 , 34-36 ) Thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. So some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to its end. That generation of people is now very advanced in years, indicating that there is not much time left before God brings this present system of things to an end.
One of the last Watchtower studies I attended in 1995 had an article in which they changed this doctrine. After that study I really didn.t feel much like going anymore.
But now since they changed it back I'm gonna start going to the meetings again.
yeah right!
It also doesn't seem to be an article you can link to without knowing the exact URL, which tells me that it's more of an archive than a current article.
Millions of watchtower followers were swindled by the society on the dogma of this archive including both sets of my grandparents they lived and died for 1914 generation's. I went door to door for 33 years on my premium time expounding the life and death message of this archive