"it's been said....."

by bonnzo 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • bonnzo

    an elder in my hall prefixes his sentences with this phrase: "its been said...", usually followed by some ridiculous bullshit; an example: "it's been said that mans greatest accomplishment has been the worldwide preaching work". i guess all scientific and medical advances are secondary. anyway, his last one was this: "it's been said that by reading the Awake magazine one can get the eqivalent to a college education."

    where did this originate? did someone really say this?(that is not a gov. body member). can someone stop him/her from spewing this garbage?

  • FreedomFrog

    Actually, when I was much younger and wanted to go to college, I was always told that if we read all of the "Awake's", then we would end up with enough knowlege as if we had went to college. I AM now in college and this just isn't so. Just another way to discourage college I feel.


  • Spectre

    It's been said that that guy is an idiot. Who said it? Me!

  • monkeyshine
    It's been said that that guy is an idiot. Who said it? Me!

    Now that is a good quote.

  • chuckie77

    I definately remember them saying you would gain equivalent knowledge from reading the Awake as going to college! I wonder if I had read all their publications would I be able to say I had a degree in bullshit?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Well, next time some witness says reading the Awake! is the equivalent of a college education, ask them if they would let one of their brothers or sisters who had read every article on medicine and healthcare that the Awake! put out, operate on them next time they needed surgery? I think not!


  • anewme

    "It's been said" is a sales pitch tactic. I was trained in sales way back and remember that line well. Drawing from unnamed sources for info to reinforce what you are saying is a common way to add weight to a sales pitch. In this case the Awake is being "sold" to the listener.

    I heard alot of this kind of speech at the KH. Statements backed by unnamed anonymous researchers and scientists and statistics shrewdly concocted to impress the casual listener.

    Its sad. So many meetings and times I went home thinking what the heck am I doing? Its just the same old sales pitch over and over again. The same old sermons about loyalty to the Society and doing more.
    That phrase "it has been said" brought back alot of memories. Shudder.

  • anewme

    I wanted to add that since coming to this forum I now listen more carefully when others talk. I now have a B.S. alarm that goes off when I hear control tactics being used on me.

  • lisavegas420
    I wanted to add that since coming to this forum I now listen more carefully when others talk. I now have a B.S. alarm that goes off when I hear control tactics being used on me.

    Yep...me too. When someone says to me 'It's been said", or "I've heard", I start in on my questions..."Who said that?" "When and where did you hear that?"

    It's not that I want to prove anyone wrong...I just want to see if I understand "it" the same way that they do...after I've read or heard the same thing from the same source as the person speaking.


  • Undecided

    I learned what semi-monthly meant from the Awake. Also what before the end of this century didn't mean or did mean or something like that. My Awake education is kicking in now so I will have to shut up before I make a fool of myself.

    Ken P.

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