Our American Flag

by Vienna 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Teirce

    Eman, that's heart-warming about the US flag abroad. It's like the symbolism of the cross, the cross to bear. (Not that I believe in crosses, etc.)

    I'd figure that FrightMare considers himself a patriot, and just doesn't want to hear about talk without action, which then slipnslidemaster understands. For ex-Witnesses (and I can't really say "JW" without getting an infection, so I don't) , it is the emotional joy of just having the opportunity to speak and unleash years and decades of pent-up herding behavior that had been warped and brainwashed, homogenized into some imaginary castle in the sky. It feels f'n great to be an American, though it hurts a bit, and the first step is raising, understanding, feeling, grokking the flag. After that, and if that was the only extent, then I'd understand FrightMare's rage.

  • jurs

    I AM ALSO HAPPY TO BE PATROTIC !!!! Being a witness right now would be quite uncomfortable.

    To Englishman: Thankyou for your thoughtfulness. It means alot to us Americans to hear words of concern from people around the world. I received a call from some friends I met while I was in Austria and I was touched by their concern.

    To Frightmare: I am not even going to try and explain to you why it feels so good to fly our flag because I think your just a Jackass shooting of your mouth.


  • Faraon


    Would you please be realistic? You're a patriot manque. Raising your flag isn't going to stop terrorists from making more attacks. Raising your flag isn't going to bring people back to life. Raising your flag isn't going to do shit except get dusty. Excuse my veracity, but if life was about raising a piece of cloth on a pole to make me feel better, then screw life.

    The aim of terrorists is to instill fear. They want people to lose faith in their governments. By not raising your flag you are signaling the terrorists that their ploy worked.
    While it is true that raising our flag will not bring people back to life, it is also true that not raising it will also not bring people back to life. Raising a flag is a signal to Muslim fundies that we support the policies of the leaders of our country.
    I would take the US Constitution over the bible any day. The US Constitution has brought more justice and equality to the world than the bible.
    Thank you for reminding me to buy a flag and a flagpole so that I can signal the world that I support our nation.
    It is true that a flag is a piece of cloth, but this particular piece of cloth represents a way of life. It is this way of life that has my support.

    Your acuity is obviously very shallow. Do you realize that you are not supporting your country in any way shape or form just by saying that you support your country? What a fool. Quit your jibber jabber.

    I think that it is you, Frightmare, who is not thinking things through. By saying that you support someone, you are definitely supporting him or her. Saying to someone that you support him or her boosts his or her confidence and creates a bond. I pity you if you have not valued people who have expressed their support for you.
    Your criticism is destructive. What would you do then in order to show support? You did not mention any examples of effective support that would be within the reach of most of us. Put up or shut up.

    I feel remorse of not being smart enough to see through the Witchtower’s mental control, and spend over a decade away from saluting the flag, and what it represents. As of tomorrow, I will proudly fly in front of my house


  • TR


    step over to the "disagreement" forum for a moment, would you please?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Tatiana

    HS, I was thinking the same thing---Nightmare/Frightmare....

    I have a flag in my window, candles lit in "all" my windows, I gave blood for the first time in my life (and it felt GOOD), and I donated to the Red Cross. I was downtown in Chicago today at the memorial, with my flag bandana on. I couldn't control my tears, and someone I didn't even know hugged me and my boys.

    Some people in my neighborhood are getting up donations of clothes and food. But if all you CAN do is fly the flag, then that is enough.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • RedhorseWoman

    As I drive home each evening, I see American flags flying from decorative flagpoles, from trees when the person had no flagpole, from fences and attached to the sides of houses. Those who couldn't get a flag are flying patriotic windsocks.

    Tonight I have several candles out on my front porch, and I saw the candles others had lit and placed on their proches or in their windows.

    These icons in and of themselves mean little, but in light of the events of this week, they are a symbolic way to declare to the world....and to ourselves.....that we are brothers and sisters and that we will stand together to comfort one another and to fight against tyranny and terrorism.

    They bring comfort and they bring focus to all of us....and I am proud to be able to display them.

  • orbison

    at 4 pm pst i secured on my sandwich board outside my business a 5x3 canadian flag,,,,,at 7 pm i lit my candle,,,it was a very strange feeling for me,,having left 3 yrs ago....only those here would understand,,,if nothing else,,,those driving by would think....think of the losses of those in nyc, and beyond....
    i was raised in the military,,,then at 20 became a jw,,,,i recall the many door where i was shooed away by those who served in wars,,,as my own father did,,,,
    i also raise the canadian flag along with my american friends,,,,in honour of my father,,,,
    all i have to say


  • Sozo

    Amen to your posting!

    I too am comforted and have no fear of believing that I may or may not live because I didn't work hard enough for my salvation.

    I am proud to be an American and am proud to raise the flag because it represents FREEDOM - It gives us freedom to make choices in life and to live life in a peaceful manner. To continue the freedom and for everything this country stands for we are responsible to pay our taxes and vote. We are responsible to be involved in what the government does - we as a nation should rise and be apart of laws being passed.

    People who don't vote and have given up on the government or don't vote because it is againt their religion, or be apart of the military.....well, then they should stripped from being a citizen. But because this country is great it allows this type of foolishness to take place and you get to reap the goodness.

    I wonder if this country lost its freedom and everything it stands for what the people who didn't vote or fight would say then......maybe if live in a country that dictates how you live and what you wear and who to worship will give you a better appreciation of this great nation.

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