Do JWS have a relationship with God................?

by vitty 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    ..............I watched a programm about the brain and apparently religious feelings come from a certain part of the brain. I really think the need to worship is a chemical imbalance..hah ha

    Well, that explains A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Should I take the red pill or the blue pill???


  • serendipity

    I don't know that I would term my experience as a 'relationship' with God, but I came to believe that God heard my prayers and would provide comfort. It took being df'd to realize that-because I didn't have these experiences earlier when I was a goody goody JW.

    When I was single, pregnant and df'd, I would pray fervently, and frequently experience a sense of peace. I knew that at a minimum, I could rely on God to calm me down. I guess I didn't expect all my prayers, or even any of my prayers to be answered. Because of this experience while on being on the outside of the org, I started to feel that I didn't need to slavishly follow org. dictates and that God's favor could be found outside.

  • Dansk



  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Yes! = If I put in a favorable amount of hours and listed a nice sum for placements each month.

    I was always perplexed when meeting a Christian out in the door-to-door activity who loved God sincerely. Since I was doing all the "works" based on the direction of God's spirit directed organization, how could I NOT have love for God. I discovered it was fear that I had. It was a rabid fear of God and of man.

    Alligator Wisdom (Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • moshe

    Having a relationship with God always seems to depend of what man does first. You would think that the Almighty God would have a uniform system to communicate with his creation and to guide it.

  • zeroday
    You would think that the Almighty God would have a uniform system to communicate with his creation and to guide it.

    And you have just hit the nail on the head. It's not what God wants to communicate with his creation but rather his creation trying to determine his will. What is God's will, what does he want us to do to please him. This is what has lead mankind down the long and futile path of religion, trying to determine the will of God. Karl Mark stated: "Religion is the opiate of the masses". He could not have been more right.

  • JamesThomas

    What do my relationships matter, if I do not first know who I am?



  • Finally-Free

    Compare a meeting at the kingdom hall with a third grade classroom. You'll see there is no "worship" taking place at either of them.


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