I always ended up being taken to the back to be spanked too. I just could NOT sit still. I don't know what little kid can. My mom stopped most of the spankings after I went to school though because she got questioned about bruises on me.
Our old hall was set up weird. There were wide stairs when you came in the door and the stage and chairs were all upstairs. Downstairs was the 2nd school, bathrooms and library. I was going downstairs to use the restroom. I was about 9, and my friend's mom came out of the hall carrying his little sister and yelling at her that she was going to get it good. She passed me on the stairs, and she had a look of pure rage on her face. She held the girl up in the hallway as she spanked her and the girl slipped and fell on the floor. She was about 3 or 4, and she hit her head on the cement and was knocked out. The mom just stood there staring at her, no attempt to pick her up or check to see if she was breathing, nothing. I ran upstairs and got someone, and the girl was fine, thankfully. I would think that having something like that happen might make you look into some other type of discipline, but the spankings never stopped until a few years later when the mom took off with some guy and left the husband with the 4 kids.
On a different note, while helping to clean the hall, I would always find toenail clippings in this one area. I always tried to figure out who it was since most of them always sit in the same seats, but I never figured out who it was. ICK