Dead Man Walking (Help!)

by thepackage 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • itsallgoodnow

    He shouldn't feel pressure from all sides, that's for sure. His situation makes me wonder, though. I figured it would be harder for a woman to leave than for a man. What ever happened to "wifely submission"?

    Just be there for him, whatever he decides to do. It won't last long if he's on this forum, and if it does, he needs everything he can get to stay sane.


    That's a hard want to make your marriage work and it sounds like he loves her very much to go back to the meetings!!!

    Just be supportive...he'll need it!!!


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Pick something out of the meetings to discuss with your wife. Show her how wrong they are, but don't attack or she'll be on the defensive. Tell her you noticed a discrepancy, can she help you work it out. She'll eventually put two and two together and realize that it's not five like she's been told by the "society".

    Also, I didn't want to put any pressure on my hubby to not attend. I would try and plan things on meeting nights that made it too late to get ready. Try that every once in a while, maybe she'll start missing meetings along with you.


  • xjwms

    My mind is made up

    No pressure...from any-where...0r...any-one...would get me back there.

  • thepackage

    These are all GREAT suggestions. Keep them coming!

  • JamesThomas

    If we have no courage to be true to our own wisdom, then what does it matter? Perhaps there are those of us deserving of slavery.



  • parakeet

    Your friend must make his own decision, but he must also accept the consequences. A good question for him to consider: How does he envision his situation in five years? in ten years?

  • serendipity

    He just agreed to go to meetings - did he agree to listen? Take a book and go to the bathroom and read.

  • Grouper

    Thanks Package for posting my ordeal and submitting advice for me (REALLY TONGUE AND CHEEK).

    I have not gone to meetings since August 2004. My wife and all my close associates even Mint Serv Package knows it’s because I don't believe in the majority of the WTBTS teachings, some of my JW friend’s even kid about it when we have a few beers. Recently, though my wife has really had a tough time dealing with this situation, to the point that we have gone to marriage counseling. Initially I was against it but it seems to have helped our relationship and if nothing else shown me that if this does not work divorce seems like the only solution.

    The doctor we are seeing, oddly he is an SDA, completely understands my situation on why I don't go to church. One reason why I do not attend anymore is because I find it very difficult to preach to individuals that we are the only God approved organization on earth, to say such a thing with out having an unquestionable amount of evidence (superpowers, premonition abilities, miracles, God on your right side) that you are, shows great arrogance on WTBTS part especially considering our track record. Doctor concurs, but suggested I might be a little more flexible on my standing and attend some of these church functions that to my wife are important and not discuss theology but see it as a social club to associate with friends, like a rotary club. I obliged and will be going to Sunday meetings only, ala Greg Stafford style.

    What's interesting is that the Package has told me quite a few times that he sees meetings as a rotary club this way he is able to handle going to them with his family, I should have consulted you first.

    Anyhow, that is my situation as it currently stands and thanks for your input.


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