I've been on plenty of JCs but I never was the target of the elders, judicially.....although I would be now.
How Many Here Have Ever Been Before A Judicial Committee???
by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends
(raises hand)... yeah, 3 times... all 3 times for writing love letters to girls, that my parents found...lol
Why was their a judicial meeting for that?? They were maybe gonna df ya??
I have never been before the firing squad.
I was threatened with one, but I da'd to save them the trouble. I got the distinct impression that they didn't like me doing that at the time, perhaps they were looking forward to having me in front of their kangaroo court, and didn't like being deprived the pleasure.
Why was their a judicial meeting for that?? They were maybe gonna df ya??
dunno... I was up at least once a year (ages 14, 15, 16.... left at 17) I wasn't even baptized... guess my dad was trying to scare me into obedience... but none the less, I was put on "public reproof" (guess that did me alot of good... I mean, no JW kids were allowed to talk to me, so all I had were my "worldly friends" to talk to at school....)
I was on one JC. It was convened by me and I alone was judge and jury. The defendants, Jehovah's Witnesses, were tried in absentia, found guilty of every vile crime imaginable, and disfellowshipped by me.
If they can conduct kangaroo courts then so can I.
troubled mind
Yikes........once as a young not so virginal 15 yr old . Really scary memory A couple of times as an adult when they were trying to force my sons into ratting on their friends for smoking , and watching porn . Neither time were my kids guilty , but they were in the vicinity of said violation . The one that really pissed me off was an elder during the JC was blasting my son for not spilling his guts . Saying he was as guilty as the others, even though he didn't smoke ,he had to admit he saw the others doing it . They had other witnesses to the incident yet kept insisting he talk just to beat him down so he wouldn't be more loyal to his friends than them . Afterwards his friends told him they had confessed so his testimony didn't really matter , those brothers just wanted to force their authority. After that my son saw the brothers for what they really were and never went in F.S. ever again even though he never missed a meeting . They labelled him rebellious because he tried to be loyal to his friends.
lots of times. the big guys in my halls had nothing better to do.
i won't bore/excite you all with the juicy details, but there is nothing more humiliating than being a teenage girl/woman in front of three dirty old men asking you personal explicit questions. some which have nothing to do with your case.
especially when one of those meetings involved your abusive father (who was sitting right there!!!)
they can all burn in hell. -
....and now, the elders are clearly supposed to ask all these personal questions so that they can determine what type of sexual sin you committed.