Yea, when i was 17. For bad associations, smoking and misc other bs reasons. I look back and laugh. Big fish in a little pond.
How Many Here Have Ever Been Before A Judicial Committee???
by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends
OpenFireGlass, those must have been some raunchy little letters you wrote those innocent sisters, haha!
it's been a while... but if you'd like, I could write ya one, and send it to ya in a pm... lol
I didn't appear at my trial. I wasn't even aware there had been one. Just one day Witnesses wherever I went started shunning me.
I was bitched out by Witnesses numerous times. One time I was bitched out for buying a Cadillac. Then I was bitched out for buying a second Cadillac. Then I was bitched out for not wearing a neck tie to Witness sponsored meeting.
Bitched out again for not wearing neck tie to Witness sponsored meeting offence #2.
Belly pushed with my 3 year old son for buying him Rainbow Lifesaver candy roll.
After I left, a Witness wrote me a letter and told me we never liked you when you were a Witness. Well . . . no shit! I got that message. -
Gary, didn't you realize you broke the 11th and 12th commandments?
11. Thou shalt always wear a tie to a JW sponcered event.
12. Thou shalt never covet Lifesavers Candies at JW sponcered events.
One JC that ended in 'private' (What a joke. Most of the congregation knew within a week which married sister I had been to weekend retreats with.) reproof when I was 'new in da troof.'
One almost JC when I vocalised my discovery of the Watchtower whoring with the 'wild beast.'
That one ended after the initial inquiry when I called up 2 of the Overlords and told them, "I quit this cult effective immediately."
That's a funny question. I've had SSOOOOOO many elder's and JC meetings, it's not funny. Every time I got in trouble at home, another meeting. Been PR'd a couple times and DF'd twice. For everything from "flirting" too much, or "inappropriately" to disobidience to my parents. I ran away from home and went to Texas, to my real dad's. When I came back for my stuff an elder tried to meet with me. He told me I was a disobient (can't spell it) brat. Nevermind I was being molested for years. I don't even remember the reason I was df'd the second time. My stepdad was mad cause I lied to him about something and he decided to get all up in my business. But by then I had decided I wasn't raising my baby in that crap.
Guess you could say I was a "professional JC'er"!! Hee hee hee!
Oh, the best one was for getting a Valentine from a boy in Jr. High. It was a heart, cut in puzzle peices that said "good for __ kisses."
Lets see,
I once went to what the PO had informed me would be an investigative committee because I'd reported something which had happened and needed to be dealt with. Instead, my family and I found out that the PO had been overuled by the Secretary who sat a fully empowered JC which was there to DF anybody they could. Through out the hearing, the Secretary, who was also the chair of the JC said he didn't have an axe to grind while he was grinding it with a vengance and relying on the two yes men he'd picked to let him have free reign and do whatever he wanted.
First he went after my wife and I, claiming he had us dead to the rights for not reporting the incident and was going to DF us. But we had ironclad proof otherwise, so he had didn't get to formally do that (more on that later). He then went after our daughter, who'd been raped. He absolutely refused to believe she'd been raped and made it clear that there was no standard of proof which could change his mind. After the hearing, we were sent home. A couple of weeks later, my wife and I were told (our daughter was not present for that) that the committee had decided that a "public reproof" would be sufficient for our Daughter, who wasn't even a publisher, baptised or otherwise. We didn't like it, but we were willing to live with that.
You can imagine our horror when a week later our Daughter was announced as an "unappoved associate", pretty much the same thing as DF'ng at the time with the same draconian shunning. That was before the policy was changed in 1989. We found out a couple of days later that the congregation Secretary had also had it spread by the congregation gossips that the elders wanted the shunning extended to the whole family as well! I went to the PO about that one, but he didn't have the guts to go up against the congregation secretary. So, for some nine months, the whole family, all of us, were treated just like we were disfellowshipped. I even know of one brother who was threatened with Df'ng for taliking to me during that time!
I found out that under WTBTS policies the elders didn't even have the right to declare our Daughter an "unapproved associate", you see, there were some qualifications that had to be met before an one was considered an "approved associate" in the first place, being part of a Dub family by itself didn't qualify. And that had not even been met in my Daughter's case. A threat to write the society and demand a JC on the elders involved did get the action lifted.
After that, I never treated Df'd ones quite the same. If I knew they'd been railroaded, I discretely helped them when I could. If they hadn't, I treated them as people when I encountered them in public, even though there had been good reason for the Df'ng.
Fo9rscher -
There is more, alot more to what happend than what I wrote. The full story is really disgusting. But then it will have to wait for another time.
Forscher -
Oh, lucky me!!!
I've been in two that I remember but that number may be higher. Some were very traumatic and I don't really remember much about them.
Does "counselling" with only me and 3 elders count as a JC? 'Cause if it does then 2 is a very low estimate.