because pursuing the HIGHER education that takes yrs of study and dedication can and alot of times cause individuals to FORGET about God. Some stop seeking FIRST the Kingdom and when that happens ...well it is a domino effect, worldly ways tend to creep in unknowingly and the next thing a person knows their priorities are all backwards. Again that could and is very likely to happen but it is not a definite. Some manage to pull it off (fortunately) but are doing it at a very high risk.
You're just repeating what you've heard at the KH. Tell me, how do you know?
Try this for example:
This is a group I've been familiar with. There's also a christian group at each of the universities - their websites can be found by doing a simple search.
So, you see, there are many opportunities for fellowshiping with fellow believers at university. It must also be said that there are many examples of people being converted to christianity whilst at university.
So, we are faced with the question: why are the WTS so afraid of having their members at university? Not because of any "worldlyâ„¢" influence but, rather, they are afraid that more exposure to real knowledge might lead their members to see the falsehood in so many of the WTS teachings.
BTW welcome to the forum - I hope you gain the truth about "the Troof".