Is it possible to go to university and still come out a dub?

by Crumpet 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rooster

    He is brain washed.. I was in my late thirties before I woke up.. Why would my parents drag & beat me to go to the kingdom hall if it was not the truth? Because they wanted someone (other then themselves) to do all of the thinking when it came to understanding the bible. My mother said a few months ago when I was talking with her "who are you to try and interpret the scriptures, the brothers in bethel have been studying the bible for years."

    You should send him some letters & possible wake him up to the real truth..

  • ozziepost
    because pursuing the HIGHER education that takes yrs of study and dedication can and alot of times cause individuals to FORGET about God. Some stop seeking FIRST the Kingdom and when that happens ...well it is a domino effect, worldly ways tend to creep in unknowingly and the next thing a person knows their priorities are all backwards. Again that could and is very likely to happen but it is not a definite. Some manage to pull it off (fortunately) but are doing it at a very high risk.


    You're just repeating what you've heard at the KH. Tell me, how do you know?

    Try this for example:

    This is a group I've been familiar with. There's also a christian group at each of the universities - their websites can be found by doing a simple search.

    So, you see, there are many opportunities for fellowshiping with fellow believers at university. It must also be said that there are many examples of people being converted to christianity whilst at university.

    So, we are faced with the question: why are the WTS so afraid of having their members at university? Not because of any "worldlyâ„¢" influence but, rather, they are afraid that more exposure to real knowledge might lead their members to see the falsehood in so many of the WTS teachings.

    BTW welcome to the forum - I hope you gain the truth about "the Troof".

  • agapa37

    Ozzie I did look up that link and found it encouraging that there are groups that a person can associate with on campus. However for a JW i would imagine it would be hard to find such a group that would benefit them. Seeing that jws and most other Christians organizations do not believe the same im pretty sure that a JW would not spend time with such groups. But at the very least it is good to know the Christians of the world see the need to Keep God and Jesus at the fore during there education.

  • FreedomFrog
    how could he go to uni and still be a dub? Is that possible? Can you still get a great degree whilst ignoring everything you must learnm at uni that tells you the dubs have it very wrong?

    I think that if he was brainwashed enough he can ignore his teachings at the univer. I think it will be hard for him to not subconsciouslykeep it all out though, especially if he is taking courses like what I'm taking which is Critical Thinking.

    Do you know he's still in? Could be that he may come out once he has his degree. From what I'm learning with college is that they MAKE you think. I can see why the Dubs wouldn't want their members to get a degree. They don't want them to start thinking.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I know of a couple of baptized jws that have gone to uni and are still firm believers. One was a business major and another a health sciences major. They both grew up in the dubs so they have so very much invested in that particular world view. They have no former persona, schemas, paradigms, or support to step into place once the illusion is shattered. Its fascinating and scary just how powerful cognitive dissonance can be for mental survival.

  • Crumpet

    You should send him some letters & possible wake him up to the real truth..

    Rooster - if I had any idea where he was I would but its been over half my life time ago since I saw him.

    between dfings I learnt he had married and gone abroad - i think I heard virgin islands - but I dont know if thats true.

  • plmkrzy

    There are many many jws that have gone to college and became doctors, lawyers etc. I know of several. It is very poss.

  • Jim_TX

    Where I work, there is an electrical engineer that is a JW. He went to college (aka university), for the four years, etc. and got his degree.

    From observing him, it's kinda funny... (well, not really). My perception of him is that he is 'trapped' in the organization. His family are JWs - back to his grandmother. His wife is JW - and her family. I think he realizes that it is bunk, but he can't 'escape' without losing what he has (or thinks he has), when it comes to family and friends.

    But - I may be wrong. I am just going by what I have observed him doing, and saying - in the past.


    Jim TX

    P.S. He don't know that I used to be a JW... and I like it that way. I am able to observe him easier that way. *wide grin*

  • ozziepost
    But at the very least it is good to know the Christians of the world see the need to Keep God and Jesus at the fore during there education.

    I think you're missing the essential difference - these christians see the need to keep God to the fore and make Him known at all times.

    Now about those Witnesses........

  • kid-A

    "Some stop seeking FIRST the Kingdom and when that happens ...well it is a domino effect, worldly ways tend to creep in unknowingly and the next thing a person knows their priorities are all backwards".

    Translation: Some are exposed to alternative viewpoints and are forced to use their brains for the first time in their JW lives. Once they are taught critical thinking skills, the glass house of watchtower gibberish comes crashing down. They stop peddling the WTS literature. Brooklyns profit margins dip. Their priorities are all backwards: they actually begin to respect view points, philosophies, science and knowledge beyond the fictional universe created by the WTS. They are now fully functional, sentient beings, unplugged from the borg collective.

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