I was thinking about this on the way to work this morning,
ok first thing is Damn a lot of Jerking off in the bathrooms, I never did it, some how I think I would go soft being in that place.
The thing I was thinking about this morning that actually got me into the most trouble when I was a kid was, I HATED when ever the speaker said a quote from the bible you hear everyone flipping the pages to read in their own bible what he was saying, I thought that was the most stupid thing ever, I think I was 12 when I stopped doing it and I would sit there listening to all the pages, sounds like a bunch of paper flying in the wind, and you had those dorks who would say "uhhh I can flip to any book, chaper or verse in the bible faster than you" ASSHOLE, so I stopped doing it, my mom and dad would get pissed off at me, and everyone around me would look at me like I was sinning in front of them.
What the fuck! he is going to say what you are going to read and chances are he will say another quote from the bible before you get to the first one WHY TRY!!! he is READING it for you!!!! ASSHOLES!!!!