Ozzie: However, this forum is not a vehicle for publishing your own website or your own publication. If you have a point for discussion, then make it. As you were told by PM, simply C&P voluminous pages from another site is 'not on'.
Really, funny but I didn't see a warning and restrictions placed on dannyhaszard when he copied and pasted on this thread:
I'm sure I can provide more examples if you need them to show the double standard being shown by the administration if you like.
Can what diogenes said really be true when he said:
JWD Debating 101
1. Make sure to pepper your comments with insults like idiots, retards, morons, liars. It is also good to alter their screen name with clever little digs like TurdWitness or ThirdWitless.
2. It is not necessary to bring forth actual proof against a particular line of reasoning. Just call it "an ad hominem attack". This way you can say the argument has been refuted and then claim victory.
3. If this JW begins to get the upper hand quickly change the subject. Try challenging him to a new topic of discussion. Things like the genesis creation account, baptismal questions, an 1879 Watchtower article, CTR pyramids, etc. If he doesn't take the bait, proclaim victory.
4. For administrators, it is always effective to turn off or limit their posting privileges and then start bombarding him with questions followed by mocking when he is unable to answer each and every question.
5. If the JW posts parts of an essay or website that had been a collaborative effort, then claim that this JW defender is not acting alone and is sharing his account with multiple JW's. You can even say the JW defender admitted it and keep proclaiming it over and over. Eventually everyone will believe it.
6. Allow apostates to copy and paste entire articles.
But don't allow any JW defender to post even excerpts of their own work.
7. Don't forget to use the word liar as much as possible.
8. If all else fails, start a conspiracy theory. Doesn’t matter how farfetched. Everyone will believe it.