Yesterday I awoke and knew that things had changed.

by ozziepost 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    Here's wishing the Kansas Heat and Humidity on you Ozzie. I am ready for the cool and cold now. Never been a fan of hot weather.

  • jwfacts

    too right Aussie, today is perfect as well, sunny and warm. This will be my first post JW summer, and I plan to relax and enjoy it to its fullest.

  • ozziepost



  • looking_glass

    I also love the seasons. I would miss them if I went else where in the world that only had summer and winter. There is nothing better then to smell fall leaves. I don't get that much in the concrete jungle, but when I go up north to visit family, I can experience the seasons in all their fury and beauty

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I wish I felt like you do Ozzie. It has been hot and humid here most of the summer. Yesterday I got my air conditioning bill and now I really am tired of summer. The only heat I want to feel now is some nice hot dry Santa Ana winds in the fall.

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