Here's wishing the Kansas Heat and Humidity on you Ozzie. I am ready for the cool and cold now. Never been a fan of hot weather.
Yesterday I awoke and knew that things had changed.
by ozziepost 14 Replies latest jw friends
too right Aussie, today is perfect as well, sunny and warm. This will be my first post JW summer, and I plan to relax and enjoy it to its fullest.
I also love the seasons. I would miss them if I went else where in the world that only had summer and winter. There is nothing better then to smell fall leaves. I don't get that much in the concrete jungle, but when I go up north to visit family, I can experience the seasons in all their fury and beauty
I quit!
I wish I felt like you do Ozzie. It has been hot and humid here most of the summer. Yesterday I got my air conditioning bill and now I really am tired of summer. The only heat I want to feel now is some nice hot dry Santa Ana winds in the fall.