I've been reading a few articles on the subject of Jehovah being jesus in the new testament, which makes perfect sense. As I don't believe the bible is the word of god (or has been SEVERELY altered by man), I do believe there may be some small shreds of truth. Could it be that Yahweh in the OT is jesus of the NT? I believe they are one and the same, and that El is Almighty God. I wonder, when you read the verses where Jesus speaks to the jews, and other verses in the bible were it is said that Jehovah/Jesus does not want sacrifice and that jesus said they have never heard from or seen his father, if the bible was grossly added to by the jews to push there own military agenda. If you remove all the supposed cruel acts of god in the OT and NT and remove the burnt sacrafices "required" in the OT, then Jehovah/Jesus does not become such a bad person. Which leads me to believe that someone added that to justify there conquests. This also leads me to believe that if there is ANY truth in the original sin, either more was involved which is not discussed in the bible or man made a feabile attempt to try and justify, in his mind, why Jehovah/Jesus kicked him out.
I find that in myths, or stories, there always seems to be a shred of truth buried on top of a mound of deception. I tend to look at the bible as a quasi historical book wrapped in a layer of jewish mythology and military conquests. Perhaps, the original words penned in the bible were inspired, but over time man corrupted it, and jehovah/jesus said to hell with it. Which, when you read the words of jesus in the NT, he gets away from the written word and says the word of truth that would lead men to God could be found in the heart (no room for others to corrupt, unless you allowed someone to do it). So, with that in mind, I would tend to believe that the bible is no longer used by jehovah/jesus as that time has passed. Thoughts?