raised in the truth?

by bluebeads 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluebeads

    hi. i was just wondering what constitutes as being brought up in the truth. my mom was baptized when i was 7 and my dad got dunked when i was 11. Right now i don't really consider myself as being fully raised in the truth because even though i've been going to meetings since i was 6 i just slept/doodled through them. my mom didn't study with us kids and my dad didn't start the family study until i was 12. i'm turning 20 in a few weeks..

    I've known life before the truth and it was much bettter, everyone was soo much happier. although they secretly deny this.

    My reason for this post is that my dad firmly states that i was raised in the truth and he doesn't understand why i won't get baptized. I however don't think i was really raised in the truth because i was brought into the truth as a result of them getting baptized.

    On a side note..isn't this creepy..i was out on service unfortunately last week and i was working with my bookstudy overseer (mostly just a counsel session/why aren't you commenting/getting baptised/ university is bad for you). Anyways he's in his early 60's and he started talking to me about the immorality of the world and how satan makes it such an easy trap to fall into because it's so pleasurable..and he keeps going on about how fornication is at first soo enjoyable b/c god made us to enjoy sex and on and on about it..i think he thinks i've done somthing..but i havent!! i felt so sick and uneasy because who talks to a 19 year old girl like this??? alone in a car

    the wholetime i was staring at the dashboard ready to run out of the car..

  • serendipity

    Hi bluebeads

    That elder shouldn't have been talking about sex alone with you. You might consider talking to your father about it and ask him to talk to the elder. If that happens again, ask him to stop. If he doesn't, just get out of the car.

  • IP_SEC

    Raised in the truth in the fashion of 5 generations of dubs in my family.

  • AudeSapere

    How about a compromise? You were partly raised in 'the truth'.

    Does it really matter? It was their decision. You were just dragged along for the ride.

    I wish I had waited until I was 20 before getting baptized. If I had waited, I don't think I would have done it. Congratulations!

    This sounds totally creepy:

    ..and he keeps going on about how fornication is at first soo enjoyable b/c god made us to enjoy sex and on and on about it..i think he thinks i've done somthing..but i havent!! i felt so sick and uneasy because who talks to a 19 year old girl like this??? alone in a car

    OMG!! How insane is that? How can you possibly concentrate on the ministry while having this sort of a conversation with that man? (It would be weird enough if it was a girlfriend or older 'sister'.)

    Keep your distance. Get an education.

    Welcome to JWD!! You will find some good information here.

    -Aude Sapere (Meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)

  • AudeSapere

    ... and what serendipity said. She's wiser than me.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Go to school. Dont worry what label they put on you, "raised" or "Converted". Either way you are not a witnoid. Keep it that way. Tell them you believe what the "Live Forever" book said about baptism.

    pe chap. 30 p. 251 What You Must Do to Live Forever


    What should move you to choose life by doing God’s will? Appreciation should. Just think: Jehovah has made possible for you relief from all sickness, suffering, and even death! By the precious gift of his Son he has opened up to you the way to endless life in a paradise earth. (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 7:23; John 3:16) When Jehovah’s love moves you to love him in return, what should you do? (1 John 4:9, 10; 5:2, 3) You should approach God in Jesus’ name and tell him in prayer that you want to be his servant, that you want to belong to him. In this way you dedicate yourself to God. This is a personal, private matter. No one else can do it for you.

    Tell them that you view this as too private a matter to discuss with anyone but Jehovah at this time.


  • Butterfly32

    You must never be alone with a elder. If he was talking to you that way he may be up to no good. He might have been testing you and may try something inappropriate next time. And please please finish school, don't wait intil your in you 30's like me.

    Lots of care

  • Gregor

    Just a note- To hear the Watchtower Bible & Liar Society referred to as the "Truth" is like fingernails on a blackboard for many of us here.

  • bikerchic

    Yikes! How creepy!

    i think he thinks i've done somthing..but i havent!! i felt so sick and uneasy because who talks to a 19 year old girl like this??? alone in a car

    the wholetime i was staring at the dashboard ready to run out of the car..

    At (nine)teen you should have in your loudest and firmest voice told him then and there that talk like that is inappropriate and you don't appreciate it one bit! Since you didn't do it then there is nothing wrong with you telling him in the Kingdom Hall with plenty of witnesses around to hear you. Now that would empower you, you go get 'em girl!

  • JWdaughter

    I was raised by a mom who was baptised when I was 12 or so. Her mom let her go to the meetings with some lady who came door to door when my mom was a baby. My grandma had 6 kids, I think she let them go so she could get a break!. Anyway, my mom was always kind of a hanger on, went to meetings regularly, hates going door to door(SO not her gift of ministry!)had a hard time quitting smoking which is why she didn't join till she was in her mid 30's.

    We celebrated holidays till I was 6 or 8.

    She married a worldly man, but I went to meetings from the time I was a tiny child until I was 15.

    I was acing the quiz by the time I was 11 or 12.

    I believed ALL that crap until I was 13/14, but I still had some moments when I recognized that all was not right.

    I lived through 1975, I remember it. Any any JW who tells you that it was all in the imagination of the members-they are full of it. I had my own perspective, I have heard discussions I wasn't supposed to, and I have had a very frank talk given to me by an elder (who I think may have been a subversive one in disguise, he was cool and very honest with us about HIS expectations as an elder and his own actions.

    I auxiliary pioneered one summer (not officially, but I got the hours). I was raised by a JW mom who loved me and cared for me. I was NOT raised in the truth. Cause there is nothing truthful about it.

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