A Thread To Note Questions That ThirdWitness Is Incapable Of Answering....

by hillary_step 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    I have just trawled one thread, and these are unanswered questions ON TOPIC that ThirdWitness and his advisers have chosen to ignore.....more later.

    Have you considered a Preterist view of future events as represented by the scriptures that you use?

    What evidence can you produce to show that any of these prophecies had a life after the C1st ( the preterist view ) apart from WTS interpretation of the way these prophecies should be adopted?

    Do you understand the preterist arguments of the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, the very ones on which you are seeking to educate us all? How would you refute their arguments?

    You want it on a silver platter as I said earlier but thats not the way it happens. You have to dig and search the Bible.


    Do you accept, as does the WTS that the apostles Peter, Paul, John and James were expecting the 'culmination of all things' in their lifetime?

    Do you believe that one can only understand prophetic elements of the Bible, such as Daniel, by means of the Holy Spirit, or can accurate conclusions be reached even by academic means only?

    Are you aware that the three main authors of the Aid To Bible Understanding, which gave way, largely unchanged bar the illustrations to the 'Insight' books, were all disfellowshipped for 'apostacy'.

    Your 'understanding' of the Bible is totally dependent on WTS interpretation - would you agree with this?


  • stillajwexelder

    Are you aware that the three main authors of the Aid To Bible Understanding, which gave way, largely unchanged bar the illustrations to the 'Insight' books, were all disfellowshipped for 'apostacy'.

    They did fundamental research without the WT rose colored spectacles.

    The three were: Reinhardt Lengtat, Edward Dunlap; Raymond Franz

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thirdwitness says Jehovah's Witnesses have the best child abuse policy of any religion. He bases this boast on the 'two witness rule' which basically decrees a child abuse victim must have two eyewitnesses to 'prove' their rape actually happened.

    I have several questions regarding this rule.

    (1) Please name one scripture in the Bible in which Jehovah, one of his prophets, the Mosaic law, Jesus, or one of the apostles, dictates that a child abuse victim must present two eyewitnesses to prove their abuse. Just one scripture is all I ask. Realize I'm not talking about a dispute between brothers, I'm referring specifically to the assault of a child.

    (2) Why did Jehovah made very specific provision for a woman who was raped , working in the field and away from any eyewitnesses, and yet not make the same provision for a child? Surely Jehovah, the One who sees all (even things hidden behind closed doors) would know that children are not sexually abused in front of other adults who can bear witness. Why then did Jehovah give an adult woman who does not have an eyewitness, but did not do the same for a child?

    (3) Why do Jehovah's Witnesses not recognize the courts of law as a witness? When one of Jehovah's Witnesses is convicted of child abuse, the elders will not disfellowship that one if the victim does not have 2 eyewitnesses. If however, the offender is tried in a court of law, and convicted, why is that not considered a second witness?

    (4) In the "Flock" book, elders are instructed that they may accept the testimony of unbelievers. Please show me the scriptural basis whereby Jehovah puts conditions on the two witnesses. Please also show the scripture whereby Jehovah gives his followers leeway to accept or deny testimony based on acceptance of Jehovah alone (i.e., whether a member of Isreal or a Christian).

    (5) In the "Flock" book, elders are instructed that they may accept the testimony of minor children. Please show me the scriptural basis whereby Jehovah puts conditions on the two witnesses. Please also show the scripture whereby Jehvovah gives his followers leeway to accept or deny testimony based on age alone.

    (6) Do you believe every single account of child abuse amongst Jehovah's Witnesses is false? If not, then do you believe one of Jehovah's Witnesses has molested a child? If so, then please explain what Jehovah's Witnesses are doing, or have done, to correct errors? Realize of course, that Jehovah again and again provided correction for the nation of Israeal when that spirit directed organization made errors. Therefore, what is the current spirit directed organization doing, or has done, to correct errors made regarding child abuse?

    I realize, of course, no answer will be forthcoming. None was given to me when I asked these questions (and many more) 18 years ago. Jehovah's Witnesses offer simple solutions to complex problems. When those simple solutions break down, and do not work, instead of modifying their teachings, they choose instead to attack the one with the problem. Which is quite in contrast to Jesus, who sought only to help others.

  • jayhawk1

    Vomit, this is what I posted for Scholar to read, and I think you might need to see it as well. I think the term that most fits your "devil's advocate" problem would be popular not celebrated.

    Scholar, since you still use the phrase "celebrated watchtower scholars" it got me to thinking. I established in another thread what "celebrated" means, but perhaps there is a synonym for celebrated that could be used to describe these phantom men who refuse to stand up and be identified.

    Thesaurus.com says

    Main Entry: celebrated
    Part of Speech: adjective
    Definition: famous
    Synonyms: acclaimed, big*, distinguished, eminent, famed, glorious, great, high powered, illustrious, immortal, important, large, laureate, lionized, notable, number one*, numero uno*, outstanding, popular, pre-eminent, prominent, renowned, revered, storied, well-known
    Antonyms: obscure, unexalted, unknown
    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)

    Hmmm, they don't seem to be any of these. The do seem to resemble the antonyms though, so I'll look up anonymous and see if they fit that description better.

    Main Entry: anonymous
    Part of Speech: adjective
    Definition: unknown
    Synonyms: bearding*, incog, incognito, innominate, nameless, pseudo, pseudonymous, secret, unacknowledged, unattested, unavowed, unclaimed, uncredited, undesignated, undisclosed, unidentified, unnamed, unsigned, unspecified
    Antonyms: identified, known, named, showcased, spotlighted
    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)

    Hey look, that's a much better fit! But then I have to ask myself, are the Watchtower writers brilliant? Back to the thesaurus...

    Main Entry: brilliant
    Part of Speech: adjective 2
    Definition: famous
    Synonyms: celebrated , eminent, excellent, exceptional, glorious, illustrious, magnificent, outstanding, splendid, superb
    Antonyms: normal, typical, uncelebrated
    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)

    No, brilliant doesn't seem to work all that well either, but just to make sure... let's look up... nameless.

    Main Entry: nameless
    Part of Speech: adjective
    Definition: anonymous
    Synonyms: John Doe, X*, bearding, incog, incognito, inconspicuous, innominate, obscure, pseudonymous, unacknowledged, uncelebrated , undesignated, undistinguished, unfamed, unheard-of, unknown, unnamed, unnoted, unsung, untitled, whatchamacallit*
    Antonyms: famous, well-known
    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)

    So nameless' definition (and they certainly are nameless at this point) is anonymous. One of the synonyms is UNCELEBRATED, not celebrated. Finally, the antonyms are famous and well-known.

    Scholar, prove me wrong. Please, I dare you to prove me wrong.

    Of course, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I am not afraid of being set strait on anything.
  • JeffT

    1) According to the Watchtower, in 1919 Jehovah inspected all the religions of the world and only the Watchtower met his standards for true religion. If this is true, why has so much Watchtower understanding changed? Please address the following questions in your answer.

    A: When did Jesus invisible presence begin?

    B: What was the hope (earthly or heavenly)of those joining the religion?

    C: What was the meaning of the great pyramid at

    D: Who was the Faithful and Discreet Slave?

    E: When was the Great Tribulation expected?

    2) In inserting the name Jehovah into the New Testament the Watchtower claims to be following the lead of Jewish Scholars. Why have they been selective in this process?

  • vomit

    I am sorry jayhawk1 a list of Thesaurus and dictionary, related Synonyms isnt going to win me over, as language itself is subjected.

    Your first result even has the Definition of Celebrated as fameous, which the poet in questions is, as he has a grave stone and memorial in Dublin. But at the same time JW scholars cant be Celebrated as they are not famous. And they cant be identified through their writing, but the poet the wrote the blind poet can be recognised by his other writings.

  • jayhawk1

    In order to be a Celebrated Scholar, you have to be a Known Scholar. Known people are Famous people. In order for there to be a Celebrated Watchtower Scholar, he would have to be well known, or famous among his/her peers. Watchtower writers are not any of the above. That is the point I am making. In your example about whatever famous poet who's remains are located in Dublin who is attributed to writing The Blind Poet... Most Popular poems are Famous, Known, or Celebrated because of the content, not because who wrote it. I recognize some of the best poems have unknown authors. But anyway, this isn't a thread about poems, so I will let this one go. Furthermore, my major isn't going to be in English Literature anyway...

  • free2beme

    People come to this board with all sort of reasons. If one of those is to find converts, let them, I doubt they would find any success.

  • AuldSoul

    Here's one he's dodged.

    In the following thread I have explained the reasons for requesting your assistance and have asked you to Scripturally explain an "elementary thing" to me, according to JW doctrine: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/118405/1.ashx

    I also want him to explain why John identified Jesus as "Ruler of the kings of the earth" in the 1st Century, when that supposedly didn't happen until 1878 1914.

  • wozadummy

    Thank you BIGTEX

    those questions I've saved for the next Elders visit if we get one.We've been going thru this for 12 years now and I've never put it into the structure that you have



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