For those of you who are over 50, what advice regarding living a meaningful life would you give to the younger crowd? Do you wish you took a different path earlier in life? Why?
For the over 50 crowd: What advice...
by serendipity 26 Replies latest jw friends
I wish I would have completed my education earlier.
There are a few regrets. But doing my best to right them.
The old saying; In 20 years you'll regret what you didn't do not what you did do.
I'd tell my grandson to avoid almost all debt, get the best education possible, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't smoke, learn your trade by age 30, go into business, avoid partnerships, plan for retirement by establishing at least 5 separate passive income streams, save, save, save.
Only do work you enjoy, only spend time with nice people, stay away from religion and scams. Learn to be a pragmatist and a skeptic, challenge everything. Be honest and generous and learn to play at work. Master all new technology early. -
From the sunscreen song: "The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself."
Be strong, be independent, be fearless.
Hehehe...never marry..never have children..
What Gary said is as good advice as you can get...
Can't add much more to garybuss's advice. Perhaps, make as many friends as you can and as fewer enemies. Value your family, especially your kids - they grow up too fast.
Eyeslice -
I'd tell my grandson to avoid almost all debt, get the best education possible, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't smoke, learn your trade by age 30, go into business, avoid partnerships, plan for retirement by establishing at least 5 separate passive income streams, save, save, save.
Only do work you enjoy, only spend time with nice people, stay away from religion and scams. Learn to be a pragmatist and a skeptic, challenge everything. Be honest and generous and learn to play at work. Master all new technology early.Amen.
I can add:
Don't get married because you feel that you are supposed to, no matter the circumstances.
Just because you failed at something don't allow people to call you a failure. You're not. Afterall, it took Einstein years to fully develop his theory of relativity, and even then he was wrong about many aspects of it.
GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! Also, DO WHAT YOU LOVE for a living, that way, you will never work a day in your life.
One more thing. Money may not be the only thing, BUT IT IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU THINK!!! Make a lot of it.
You cant win if you dont join the race! Im bad about sticking my neck out because of FOF...fear of failure. THe result of which is I am pushing 52 and wishing I had persued my interests intead of being a wuss.
Pay yourself first from your paycheck no matter how small it may be, and DONT DEPEND ON SOCIAL SECURITY BEING THERE WHEN YOU RETIRE. I doubt even us baby boomers will have SS in 10 years.
Im teaching my 10 year old to put his birthday money and his errand money in the bank and we will invest it and invest it and he can retire when hes 40. :) And he already has almost $1000 at 11 years old. :)
Buy a HOUSE and dont RENT if you can avoid it.
Women...get a degree, get a job and DONT DEPEND ON NO MAN!!!
I say Garybuss said it perfect from my 55 year old perspective. My sons are not listening but I have hopes for my grandchildren.