Appeal for CALM

by Amazing 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    When the tragic events took place Tuesday, I did not post right away, as I feared my own anger and hurt would lead to careless comments on my part. But, once I started the NATO post, that all changed, and in retrospect, I regret speaking as soon as I did. I think I said too many hurtful things out of anger, and may have fueled the flames, even if my comments technically did not call for hurting innocent people. The implications and suggestions in my posts could be taken either way, and I understand and regret that.

    Arab Americans: First we must resist making the same stupid mistake we did with the Japanese Americans during WWII. Yesterday, I was very pleased to see the leaders in many cities and the media bringing the Islamic community on board I support arresting reactionary Americans who are starting to commit violence and terror against Arab Americans. I completed Jury Service yesterday where an Arab American was on the Jury with me. I was pleased and proud to serve with him, and to know that he is a good person.

    Isalm is not the problem: While I do not believe in the Islamic faith, I accept that the vast majority of Islamic people are peaceful. I accept their own statements that they abhor what happened in the USA. I believe them when they say that the Koran prohibits suicide and similar fanaticism. In the USA we have hate groups like the KKK etc. that can be just as bad, and certainly do not reflect the views and beliefs of the majority of Christians and other citizens in our nation. I clearly see the difference, and know that it is a small minority of Islamic radicals who are behind these wicked acts.

    Resolving the problem: In no way do I support indiscriminate bombing or the killing of any innocent person anywhere. In no way do I support the use of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. I hope with all my heart that President Bush will use wisdom, and work with other nations, including those in the middle east, to rout out the terrorists organizations and bring them to the world court of justice. I hope that this is done in a responsible and careful way so that all good people are respected and treated with care. This will not be an easy or short task, and I am not certain how it can be done unless all the nations cooperate together.

    My Statement: I apologize again if anything I stated came across as reactionary or unduly harsh. My intention was only aimed at the terrorists and their supporters who actively help them. But if anything I stated proved otherwise, please point it out and I will reinforce my apology and accept correction.

    Appeal for calm: While I support the good and wise efforts of national leadership in the USA and its allies, and other nations, I also believe we need calm, and to keep the rhetoric in check. We live in a brutal world still, though not always that way. And, like previous generations where evil like the Nazis had to be brought down, likewise we have our own battle to bring down terrorism.

    Use of Wisdom: While the terrorists cannot be excused for their wicked acts, we must try to understand the historical and current context that leads these people to act as they do. Such understanding may help us in avoiding those mistakes in national policy that contribute to tensions. Then, as we together with other nations work to rout out the terrorists, we can at the same time work in a way that will not cause more to join the terrorists.

    I hope the above helps to clarify my views and the intent of any of my statements. Nevertheless, if the Nato alliance and other nations sharing with us in routing out terrorists use some force, I have to also believe in their wisdom and sincerity to use the best means to avoid harming innocent people.

    With this statement: I am going to move to other topics, because I fear that if I keep discussing this topic, I may say more things that come across in ways I did not intend, and could be construed as wreckless statements by some. We all cannot know each other enough in order to always properly perceive our real intentions, and thus confusion and misunderstanding are easy commodities to obtain at an ultimate terrible price.

    Thanks for listening, and as always I do appreciate everyone's comments and views whether we always agree or not. I trust and care for you all and respect your many good comments. - Amazing


    I'm all burnt out too. Watching CNN; watching the plane hurl into the WTC over and over and over. It has left me numb. I never really felt anger...pure rage, i just felt sick.

    Your a smart guy Amazing. Your a thinker and a person who seems willing to 'look in the mirror' and stare down his own faults. If more people did that, this world would be so much better.

  • Amazing

    Thanks Gweedo: Sometimes we all believe that our every view is a strength, until we are confronted with conflict. We each need to take another look to see ourselves in different perspectives, and then we can see where some of our perceived strengths may really be weaknesses that need to be corrected.

    Right now on ABC Peter Jennings is interviewing various religious leaders including a Muslim, and it is proving helpful to clearify matters, and not blame Islam for the acts of a few. Just as we do not blame Christianity for the acts of McVeigh. This is good, and I trust will bring calm and united resolve to act together as a responsible society and responsible nations to attack the real problem, and avoid doing more wrong. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • Pubsinger

    Hi Amazing.

    I just posted a question for you on Emans " anointed" thread.

    Are you a JW who is one of the 144 000?

    I have a few questions if you want to reply on Emans thread.


  • Amazing

    Hi Pubsinger: I will respond to your post on that thread. - Amazing

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    When I first read your earlier statements I didn't feel that was the real you,(it was a deeply hurt person), but it wasn't the real you.

    Now that you had time to think more about the subject you have reasoned on the side of goodness, fairness, and justice(what ever that is).

    Thanks for your thread that should help slow down the anger, for those who read it.

    When a 2 year old asks a complicated question how do you answer?
    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    Do you think you always understand his answer?
  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Amazing,

    Good points, as usual from you. I believe that we all were so shocked and horrified at the events of last Tuesday. Much of what has been heard has been venting, a normal part of the healing process. I know that I said some things in your post Something in Me Died on Tuesday that were taken the wrong way, even though I thought I had tempered my statements with a sensible comment at the end of my response.

    Now is the time for letting the USA and the NATO Alliance figure the best way to track, and bring the perpetrators to justice.


  • DannyBear


    Although I cannot argue with your call for reason and calm, I must add this thought.

    It seems a national ethos of American's to react then retract, their passionate views toward injustices of all sort. Ws seem to be a nation so overly concerned about being politicaly correct. That when the first wind of someone's (usually a small..self interest group) marching, demonstrating, or just voicing opposition, everyone folds up tent and starts wallowing in 'sorry for offending you'.

    I think your appology was very big of you. And my comments above were not soley directed at your appology. Just an observation of how we American's seem to be influenced, when it comes to taking any particular stand.

    I see you have now taken the route many are, throwing the entire weight of this incident on the backs of those who are charged to take action. If I as an American soldier/offical read your appology, my spirits would be down, you have now left me hanging with all the blame, as to how this war turns out.

    I didn't see you call for 'turning any country into a parking lot', I saw an honest reaction. I think you were influenced to much by special interests.


  • Amazing

    Hi Danny: You make good points. I stepped back to give this issue another look. I did so because on some priavte forums, I strongly offended some friends I value, and hold in high esteem. Some of them seem to think I was acting like John Wayne, and wanting to shoot from the hip. And my efforts to clarify have not produced much results yet. But, I decided to review my posts here on JWD to see if maybe I have been less than balanced. And then decided to modify my tone somewhat.

    Nevertheless, I have no illusions that serious action will have to be taken against terrorists and those nations that clearly host them. The Taliban, Iran, and Iraq are three nations that fit into this description. The people living in those nations do not support their governments, and via the Internet are able to understnad that their governments are wrong. So, some level of care and even precisio will have to be taken into consideration to prevent harming innocent people.

    I do support our contry, its allies, and those nations that have joined in against these evil acts, and will do what I personally can to help, if that is possible. But they are in the position to know and I am forced to trust them , the information they receive and the good sense to make wise decisions.

    This morning on Fox News, Benjamin Netanyahu, former PM of Israel, was interviewed. He lives with terrorism in Israel and he believes that Osama Bin Laden is just one among many powerful terrorists, and that Afghanistan is only one nation that harbors terrorists. He warned that if we fail to act with this latest warning event at the WTC, that these groups and states will have long range nuclear missiles and other chemical and bio weapons to strike at the east coast of the USA and throughout Europe. He warned that we must act now to take this potential away and bring these terrorists to justice. He also strongly noted that these evil terrorists do not represent Islam, but are radical factions similar to the KKK in the USA that do not represent Christians. I think he spoke wisely.

    I am still angry and I still want action. I am not trying to be politically correct, but rather, I am trying to make sure my words, whether written or spoken, are properly representing my proper intentions, and not leaving a false impression. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • DannyBear


    Balancing, reavaluating, and clarifying your position is alway's the mature approach. I respect and applaud you for that. We often don't do that enough, at least in the open anyway.

    *** Some of them seem to think I was acting like John Wayne, and wanting to shoot from the hip. And my efforts to clarify have not produced much results yet. But, I decided to review my posts here on JWD to see if maybe I have been less than balanced. And then decided to modify my tone somewhat.***

    I have run across this attitude right here on Almost an immediate knee jerk 'politicaly correct', 'lets talk peace' not war.
    Well I for one always like the way John Wayne was portrayed, he always seemed to be on the 'good guys' side, he was strong, but tender of heart. When he decided what action to take, he did it, no matter who or what objections he encountered. So in my opinion you received a pretty good complement, from your "friends".

    All I can say Amazing, is that if I ever found myself facing the level of unansewerable questions, our leader's now face. I would like to surround myself with individuals, like you, who can subdue their own beliefs, take a second look at conclusions, and swallow their pride, long enough to include, other points of view.

    That my friend is a quality you have displayed more than once, on this forum.


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