I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this here... Forgive me, I've been lurking a while, but I'm still not sure of the rules... This is from the September Kingdom Ministry (got it via a chain of emails from friends):
Special Campaign October 16-November 12!
1. “The End of False Religion Is Near!” That is the titles of the Kingdom News No. 37, which will be distributed around the world beginning next month. During the first half of October, we will offer the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Starting Monday, October 16th, through Sunday, November 12, we will engage in an intensive distribution of Kingdom News No. 37. On weekends during the campaign, we will offer it along with the current magazines.
2. Who Can Share: All who are actively publishing the good news will want to have a full share. Some will be able to auxiliary pioneer. Do you have children or Bible students who are making spiritual progress? Help them to approach the elders to see if they qualify as unbaptized publishers. Elders should take the initiative to speak with inactive publishers in order to encourage them to participate, perhaps, by working along with experienced publishers.
3. A supply of Kingdom News No.7 is being sent to all congregations so that publisher and pioneers can obtain at least 50 copies. Interested ones who are not yet publishers may receive five copies to distribute to family members and friends. All should keep track of the number they place and note this on the back of their field service reports at the end of October and November. The secretary will tabulate the totals for the congregation and report it to the branch office at the end of each month. Any copies of the Kingdom News that are remaining after the campaign concludes may be used in any feature of the ministry.
4. What to Say: Keep you presentation brief, as this will allow for a wider distribution of the message. You could say: “As a public service, I am sharing in an earth-wide distribution of this important message. This is your free copy. Please read it.” It may be advantageous not to carry a witnessing case to the doors. Be sure to keep a record of the interest found.
5. How to Cover Your Territory: Rather then distribution the Kingdom News in the street work, focus on covering as much of your house-to-house and business territory as much as possible. Keep track of not-at-homes, and try to return at a different time or day of the week. Beginning Monday November 6, a copy may be left at not-at-homes. However, if the congregation has more territory than can be covered during the allotted time, the elders may determine that the Kingdom News should be left at not-at-homes during the entire campaign.
6. The destruction of “Babylon the Great” is fast approaching. People need to get out of her before she is completely destroyed. (Rev. 14:8; 18:8) Make plans now to have a full share in this worldwide campaign to let all know that the end of false religion is near!
Maybe that last bit was what this person meant by "the end"?