Interesting that you would post this question. I met ONE person in the org. throughout my life that is my best friend now. We're BOTH out of the cult but when we were active, she & her family were the ONLY ones who ever gave us the time of day. We moved to Oregon from the east coast over 5 years ago and the congregation we attended was full of the most self-righteous, cliquish, snobbiest & gossiping-est people I've ever met anywhere else. We have 3 kids and NO family here. My girls are 13 months apart so when we arrived in Oregon, I had an almost 3 year old, a 9 month old and was 5 months pregnant. Once my 3rd came along and we were outnumbered, not to mention juggling a toddler and 2 infants, NO one helped us, NO one invited us places, and NO one included our children in anything. Since we've left, we have made more friends and have attended more parties, events, gatherings, etc. and our kids have been invited EVERYWHERE.......and all by WORLDY people. It's funny how friendly you really become once you let your JW wall down. Bad association spoils useful habits???? YEP, that's why we left the org.....because they are bad & marred people & we refuse to let them spoil us or our useful habits!!!! Can you say B-I-T-T-E-R????!!!!