To be clearer, I meant it allows them to sit in a position of authority while at the same time protecting themselves from criticism from their own followers. Personally, I think they made some pretty bold statements in the past about their influence, realized they went too far and attempted to backtrack.
That being said, what does their use of the word "inspired" MEAN? I remember from my days as a dub they inferred that they were somehow guided into decisions but I cannot help but wonder why this same guiding spirit would allow them to err? It's one thing to say, "you, as a people, are not READY to know this information," and I could live with that if it was the case, but the flip flop on issues that are outside of bible prophecy seem to indicate that either they are "guessing" on these matters, or they are lying about their level of inspiration.
Where is the benefit in this capricious, often erring spirit??
Also, you are indeed correct when you say that even prophets in bible times erred in terms of conduct. But did they ever err in prophecy? Thats the question.
And good point about the border situation *laugh*
Officer: State your business sir.
Cygnus: Umm, I'm going to Toronto to get drunk with some internet geeks.
Officer: Please step out of the car sir.