The Bastard told on my dad

by Lilycurly 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat
    And now we're back where we began. With mom and the rest of the family being very upset...and we're wondering what will happen now.

    I want to give you a little hope. As you know, I'm a five year veteran "Unbelieving Mate". JW's go through cycles of dedication. Your dad has been quietly allowing you to be at his side, enjoying your company. That is his natural personality, and I am sure he enjoyed it as much as you. The "cult personality" will come to the fore right now, but my guess is he will resume visiting quietly with you again in the near future, and deep inside he's as enraged with the elder's interference as you are.

    Encourage your mom to keep on doing what she is doing, and the organization's hold will gradually fade. Or snap. Depending on how mad your dad is inside over the interference.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    But, if she were to leave and start dogging God and the way He is worshipped by us and speak negatively about Him to others and how we are a cult and the whole nine yards, then I would probably curb my associaiton with her.

    So she is allowed to leave because she doesn't believe it, but she's not allowed to tell anyone why. The org must be proud of you agapa, since you obviously love them much more than your family.

    Any religion that demands that sort of loyalty is definitely a cult.

  • agapa37

    But thats the whole point - it WOULDNT be fine, because if you didnt shun your daughter the elders would be onto you,

    That is the problem. Who cares what the Elders would do to you. Let the Elders be onto you. The Elders are not the masters of our Faith Jesus is. If my daughter was not DF or was not speaking bad about God and the way of worship then they have no leg to stand on scripturally against me for continuing my relationship with my daughter and would make that very clear to them. I would have a clean conscience before jehovah about my decision.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Life is too short for these games. Hope your Dad figures it out.



  • Lilycurly

    Thank you for your responses...

    Jgnat---yes, I guess what you say is true. I know it has been easier for him and everyone when he was allowing himself to see me. It's true, his real nature would never be to shun me, and now that you mention it, he seemed rather mad when he told my mother that the elders kept him for an hour about that. Making people unhappy makes him unhappy, he is this kind of man. Doesn't like trouble, and "The Truth" is causing some major trouble right now. We can only hope...

  • katiekitten
    Elders are not the masters of our Faith Jesus is.

    Sigh. If only that were true.

    Dont you realise its presicely because the elders are the masters of our faith that so many people are on this board! So many genuine hard working Witnesses who were d'fed for doing things they knew were right, like reporting child molesters to the police. Like talking to a family member who had been d'fed.

    Untill you are treated wrongly you will not understand that it can happen and there is no recourse to justice.

    If you are telling me that if you were d'fed for a reason that you had a clean conscience for before Jehovah, then you are admitting that it is not essential to be part of the organisation to have good standing with Jehovah. I think you should explain that position to your elders and see whether they agree with you.

    Also doesnt your position invalidate Jehovahs loving provision for keeping the congregation cleanthrough d'fing?

  • okie46

    Dearie, I am so sorry, witnesses are of KGB mentality, they will turn people in without batting an eye, guess they think they get brownie points for their hoped for new system for it. Once you are out of the cult for a while you will learn that not all people are that way.

    Now I know this is a little off topic but Agapa....I have a question about a comment you just made, it was: "But, if she were to leave and start dogging God and the way He is worshipped by us and speak negatively about Him to others and how we are a cult and the whole nine yards, then I would probably curb my associaiton with her. I would be very sad and hurt but It would be something I would have to do."

    Your comment pisses me off because if you would feel this way about your daughter speaking negatively about god and the organization, then why in the world are you on this board associating with us who feel the society is a cult? I know it is a free world, and you may very well at some point see the truth about the society. But that comment is being two faced to me. This makes me so mad and embodies everything about witnesses that I hate. They say one thing and do another. I have been sick lately and may be a little punchy right now but I can't stand it when people say one thing and do another in secret.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    These are the kind of things that helps people see the wrong that is in the Watchtower. It is not a fun ride, but the eyes can be opened in a situation like this. This worked perfectly with my wife. She saw the petty and pathetic behavior of the Elders when I talked with them, and then later we did togeather. It helped her see that it was false, and the same thing can happen with your Dad.
    Show love for your Dad as much as possible, and let the Elders do what they do best.

  • Iforget

    I am so sorry. Your post broke my heart. You are not alone my friend.

  • agapa37

    Your comment pisses me off because if you would feel this way about your daughter speaking negatively about god and the organization, then why in the world are you on this board associating with us who feel the society is a cult? I know it is a free world, and you may very well at some point see the truth about the society. But that comment is being two faced to me.

    I appreciate your honest and well put comment.The senario that i posed and the one I am in right now are two different things. I aplly the same things i said about if my daughter were ever to get that far to people here. If you read my post you will notice I said curb my association. I do this here as well.

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