For those of who don't care for a counter strike or killing those who committed this horrendous crime - how would you go about stopping terrorisim and punish the wrongdoers if YOU were President?
No counter strike? How else would you punish them?
by MrMoe 28 Replies latest jw friends
I say we organize an Nsync tour in Afghanistan.
No, no, Naeblis. Just send Britney. They'll all commit suicide instantly!
"Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)
Better yet we could make them all stand and listen while we read all those resolutions against religion by the witness circa 1920s and if that didn't do it. Make them do a pioneer day in field service, that will surely finish them. Buff
naeblis, britnnay spears is stranded in australia cus the US isn't allowing international flights back into US
BBOY! What up dawg! *word*
You probably will not get a reply from any of them because there is none. I noticed a lot of people criticizing the urge and will to take action but I have not seen one valid proposal of what to in its place.
Reading Fedoja’s post I keep hearing the voice of Maude Flanders (Simpsons) in my head saying ‘think about the children’. Her post are just one long appeal to emotion.
bboy, maybe they'll keep her and save us all....
"Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)
all we can really do at this point is either round up the perps, or launch precision strikes against the terrorist and/or their backers.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke -
Are you going to be on the front line can I count on it?
To start with stop US funding of Terrorist Regime's
through out the world. We funded the people to bring
down the Shaw of IRAN and look whats their. We then
funded IRAQ in it's war against IRAN (because we didn't
like how earlier funding worked out) and look what we
have. We funded the Afganistan rebels to fight the Russians
and well, do you get the point yet.Would Hanging Bin Laden and Hussian from the tourch of
the Staute of Liberty satisfy you or do WE need to kill innocent
people too.Before you start a war my dear you better look long and hard
at the cost and be willing to pay it ALL or it is all for naught.
I'm telling you right now the U.S. won't stomach what it seems
the majority wants. YOU NEED TO COUNT THE COST.
The President needs to ask WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.
And be satisfied with the answers. He needs to look inward
not outward. He needs to not spend Trillions of dollars on a
space defense thats meaningless(which I oppossed before
this).When the defense for all this was in place and they were
getting alerted from all over the world about what was to come. But they choose not to take seriously. Why should my rage
be towards the crazies and not my government for not doing
what I pay them for. My rage is for my government who funded
these crazies to begin with.There will always be loonies on earth with various power at
various times we the U.S. have given the seed money for
THE DRUM SLOWLY--STOP U.S. SANCTIONED KILLING"War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"