Just watched it on Sky, bloody hell how corny is it!! When I was a kid I looked forward to this for a whole week. Ditto Battlestar Galactica with them silver Zylons with the red eyes that went left and right! And remember Space 1999? ......I always used to think that it would be like that when we got to 1999, instead of spaceships we got the Spice girls or some crap................Ah memories!! What do you remember tv wise? Scoob
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.........
by ScoobySnax 41 Replies latest jw friends
Oh I used to LOVE Buck Rogers!
I also loved Starskey and Hutch, The A Team, Dukes of Hazzard (cmon even I fancied Daisy).
I used to like that comedy with the minature black dude in it (who had an illness that was conveniently exploited for comedic purposes), and I liked Mork and Mindy (but I cant stand anything else that hyper self obsessed 'arent I funny' man is in).
Yea, I remember all that. Had models of the fighters and everything. Cheese factor was high but it was awesome at the time. Space 1999 was more dramatic though as I recall.
I remember going to the movies on Saturday mornings and seeing Flash Gordon movies........
Looked forward to it the entire week.
It was free movies for mothers to shop and the place was packed.
and they were corny movies for sure!!!
Did that Rag Tag bunch of spaceships in Battlestar ever get home to Earth? Every week I thought they would, but Lorne Greene always let me down. And I'm sure Buck was exploiting Tweeky or whatever his name was....."Bi-de-bid-ee-bid-ee-bid-ee" etc etc
re Battlestar Galactica
There was a revival of the series in the early 80s where they actually made it to Earth and were "undercover" and had motorcycles that could fly. Didn't have any of the original characters and didn't last. Too bad though, I though Sheba was hot,....;-)
The original Star Trek series is still my favorite. Everything's better with a little (or lot) of cheese.
BTW the new BSG series is awesome if you like sci-fi. This time it's real,....
they actually made it to Earth and were "undercover" and had motorcycles that could fly
This sounds like a bad trip, not an actual TV pogramme.
Ah but then in the 70's lots of TV programmes were borne of bad trips: Magic Roundabout, Mr Benn, Rhubarb and Custard...
Star Trek.......I loved Uh-Whore-ah and her wiggly ear piece....... "Yes Captain, I said reverse, it's the Klingons" ..... etc etc LOL